[@Euphonium] Thanks for the feedback, its much appreciated! I reduced the image by 30%, which is hopefully enough. Didn't realize the font meme was broken as I guess the image was still in cache on my computer, so I've moved it to an image host for the moment. As for the overlap: I fully understand. I had looked at [@LordVoldemort]'s character but it somehow it completely fell out of my mind while writing my CS up. I'm willing to rework the background from an injury to something else (say performance anxiety or his temper causing him to get a ban?). This goes doubly so if the player in question feels like I might be robbing their character of a fun element to explore. The only thing I want to preserve is the dream of going to the Olympics in 2020 in Karate. If only because its both culturally important and an extremely rare opportunity for practitioners (Karate is weirdly not a normal Olympic event.)