(Notice: The following is an Alternative Universe setting that takes place shortly after the events of Sonic Forces, but plays as if Sonic and the Resistance had lost and Eggman now has made substantial gains. Thus you will be allowed to play a fancharacter, a canon character, provided you sign them up on the character tab.) [b]Plot:[/b] Infinite had thoroughly beaten the blue hedgehog. Sonic fell into one of Eggman's traps and for the first time, the meddlesome blue hedgehog had actually lost. Now, Sonic is wounded and being forced into hiding while the forces of the Eggman Empire continue to advance and push deep into United Federation territory. The Guardian Units of Nations are holding off Eggman's forces as best they can, but now the bad doctor has his sights set on the G.U.N held city of Westopolis. The humans of the United Federation now band with their Mobian allies in an all out defense of the city from Egg Empire forces, the Dark Egg Legion, and now a new commander who has appeared to be working alongside Infinite.The forces of humanity and mobianity must rally together and hold off the doctor's hordes of badniks, swatbots, Egg Legionaries, and of course Infinite himself. However, this will be a tremendous task, especially with the Freedom Fighters in disarray. Rules: 1.You must sign up, you can also register a fancharacter or ask to be a canon character. 2.Please follow the plot, this is a rather dire time in the story for the good guys. Your character probably wouldn't be out in the street shopping or going to the gym. 3.You can play either human or mobians, (Dr.Eggman shall be myself.) 4.This is a Sonic AU RP where the heroes are actually against the wall against Eggman's forces, so please act relatively serious in your posts. 5.Characters can have super powers, but if they're too strong I'll ask you to calmly nerf your character. 6.For sentence amount, I think 3-4 sentences will be fine for roleplayers, but you're welcome to write more. [b]Canon slots:[/b] .Sonic: (He's out of commission/ wounded in the legs.) .Dr.Eggman: Played by me, Jaredthefox92 .Lien-Da the Echinda: (Open!) .Tails the fox: (Open!) .Rouge the Bat: (Open!) .Amy Rose: (Open!) .General Abraham Tower: (Open!) .E-123 Omega: (Open!) .Infinite: (Played by me, Jaredthefox92) .Shadow the Hedgehog: (Open!) .Blaze the Cat: (Open!) .President of Westopolis: (Open!) [b]Approved FC's:[/b] .Dr.Ophelia Daniel the fox (Jaredthefox92) [img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/39563d26-39e5-49a7-a57f-3d0fba16eabc/dcjl4cc-5010a20b-0ff3-4034-8c51-a6949f51adb5.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_660,q_70,strp/_com___mass_destruction_and_a_big_problem_by_starlitzart_dcjl4cc-fullview.jpg[/img]