[h2]Yukimura Hanako[/h2] The mass on the floor grumbled, before shifting and resolving more clearly into the barely-awake form of a girl—one not looking forward to leaving the nice, warm futon to head off to school. Still… there was no sense in delaying the inevitable, and Hanako rose shortly after Sonya. She took a bit longer preparing for school than normal; packing away clothes and other sundry things that weren’t needed for the day ahead but would be after. Having somewhere to stay had been nice, but… [hr] For the first time in a while, Hanako wasn’t paying attention in class. Not because she hadn’t gotten any sleep the night before and was struggling to stay awake but because she was thinking. The Hex Night… something like that was pretty amazing, though her chances of winning it were pretty low. Even if she did, she couldn’t get her main wish, since they wouldn’t allow you to wish someone dead… Maybe if she won, she’d just have to look shallow and ask for money. “Yukimura. Yukimura. Please, answer the question!” [hr] When school finished, the white-haired girl wasted no time in changing—it wasn’t hard to find an unattended room for a few minutes, and with her coat on she was a lot less concerned about the weather. Then it was time to get out like everyone else not in a club. Being a magical girl and finding out jobs willing to hire a high-schooler took up far too much time… no matter how much the art clubs wanted her to join or rejoin. Though before she tried that again, maybe she could find somewhere else to stay… as nice as Sonya had been, it would be wrong to put her under the sort of pressure that hosting a potential enemy might cause. Hanako pulled out her phone, glancing at the corner—it was charged, but she’d still have to be careful about battery levels. [code] ***User SleepingBeauty has entered the chat.*** SleepingBeauty: is anyone here not taking part? i need somewhere to stay [/code] Of course, looking at her phone meant not looking where she was going… and walking into someone. Or maybe they walked into her. She was easy enough to miss, there weren’t many people at school this short. Just that underclassman she’d passed in the corridor a few times.