Over the ink black sea and cast under the veil of darkness, the imperial city of Xelwyth rose over the waters, cloistered safely in behind a bay at a natural harbor, the waters were calmer than the waves that crashed about just beyond the rocky battlements of the cliffs and tumbled rock escarpments that formed the outer rim of the bay. Under the light of twin light houses the dark ship bearing the ancient, wealthy Semiane drifted into the wide bowl of the Mistborn Bay. Climbing up the gentle rise of the distant shore rose the imperial city, capping out at the high palace atop its horned spear at its distant end, flanked by the jagged teeth of young volcanic mountains. The City Under Twilight. The crew on deck fluttered about the busy work of guiding the ship into port. The most dangerous point of a voyage being its beginning and end, and much more in a port operated by day and night seemingly without rest. The cautious sailors looked up, making religious signs for their protection as they looked on the vampire city with its sparkling night time lights. Among the cautious, the terrified, and the superstitious sailors stood the merchant Semiane himself, his hands folded in front of him. He wore from his shoulders elaborate fine robes, the latest fashions of the distant shores he came from. The wide brimmed hat he wore sagged to the side, an ornate ostrich feather weighing down with it. The shoulders and cuffs his uniform embroidered with pearls of ivory white, and oily black. He had taken to styling his beard, and he wore it parted, tied with vermilion strands. He was regarded with rye suspicion among the men. Who was this man who had not stepped out into the light of day once doing here, looking dapper and dandy as a fuck in the early night moon gazing with warm expectation at the city they were drawing up on now. But here was Semiane's journey coming to an end, and here was his choice for further opportunity. How will the absolute protectionism of the Xelwyth Empire bend, or break under a new immortal emperor? A sea of lantern light soon came to envelop the ship as it made its way through the waters. They attached themselves to the sea fearing vessel and after some exchanges with the captain proceeded to tow in the boat. Their oars pounding the dark waters as they labored it ahead and to the docks, where it was fastened with heavy lines to the pier. Accompanied by the captain, a modestly dressed middle-aged man Semiane stepped foot into the Xelwyth Empire. A representative of the customs authority was quick to approach them, a clipboard with an attached candle in hand and a quill in the other. His pale flesh the consistency of yellowing bone, his eyes dark and deep set. He terrified the captain, whom Semiane could smell was becoming terrified. A mote of joy lit in his heart at the thought. Dryly, the dock-side bureaucrat said, “Who are you, and what is your business in the Empire?” he spoke with defined contempt and bitterness. “I'm a representative of the Scüddle, Caper, and Sons trading company.” Semiane said, “I've come on their behest to seek out any potential partnerships, and permission to establish a post in the Empire.” he added, handing over a small leather bound portfolio to the vampire. With dry indifference he opened the papers and looked through, very quickly checking the individual pages. He hummed in the back of his throat, tsk'ing as he went. “Very well, sir.” he said, writing the details down and handing back the portfolio, “But in accordance with Imperial Edict 10,437 Section 105: all foreign business missions must pay the buisiness fee, and deposit on tariff payable to the amount of te-” “Will the Empire accept a line of credit to be opened?” Semiane asked out of habit. “Within the present millennium I think not.” the vampire said. “Then I have the money, if I can have the recipet.” The vampire looked at him cynically, and disregarding the comment turned to the captain, “And docking fees?” He nodded. “I trust I will have an opportunity to see the emperor?” Semiane asked. “You will see him in time or a valid representative of the Immortal Master.” the dock clerk replied, “This is all, do you need to know where you might find residency?” Semiane nodded, “If you'd be so kind.” “You'll find a variety of hotels along the port street.” he began, but stopped momentarily, “Though a man of your caliber may better appreciate the accommodations along the Avenue Mortem.” he added, waving a clawed hand in the direction of the avenue, “They are normally reserved for the imperial nobility visiting the capital if a guest room can not be had in the palace. But I am sure they are open to you with a heavy enough purse.” “Thank you.” “When you finalize your accommodations, return its address to the port authority and we will prepare it in a dispatch to the palace and we will see how long they get back to you.”