[quote=@Realmatic] *Aron and Seth duck behind it* [/quote] *I return to human form and take a knee behind the wall, acting as if I'm taking a aim with an invisible bow and arrow. As I do this my staff starts spinning and a one inch wide and foot and a half long double ended needle of gold forms out of the wall. It seems to float inside what looks to be a series of internally gold plated rings along a that have the top quarter cut out and the bottom half fused to a rail mounted on the wall. As I pull back on the imaginary bow the large gold needle slides backwards through the rings, electricity sparking from their interior plating as the setup lines up with my imaginary shot. In the moment I release, the makeshift railgun fires towards my target, though a new needle immediately forms as I already take aim and fire again within milliseconds, having soon fired at several of the scribes before the first needle has even had a chance to hit.*