[center][img]https://imgur.com/eEppWHB.png[/img][/center][center][color=6ecff6][h3][b]Jomakk "Jo" Kalabak[/b][/h3][/color][/center] [hr] [@Lucius Cypher] As the two helped to answer the question, he decided to find Dormic as he would be the easier one to find at this time. [color=6ecff6]"Then I hope to meet him there soon."[/color] and with a nod of thanks, Jo left the store and made his way back towards the tavern. He was surprised how much time had already passed with night already here, but seeing in the dark isn't a problem with Jo's vision. Once he stepped into the inn Jo tried looking around for Dormic. He remembered the man introduce himself when Jo and some other people first arrived in Frontier Town, so at least he already has a face to the name for who he was looking for. But if couldn't find Dormic, he was just going to take a seat where he could have an easy view of the entrance as he waited for Dormic to arrive. [hider=Action] [/hider] [hider=Inventory] [b]Equipped:[/b] [indent] set of traveler's clothes (4 lbs) dagger (1 lb) [/indent] [b]Stored:[/b] [indent] flute (1 lb) locked arcane book (3 lbs) pouch containing 13 gp [/indent] [b]Carrying Capacity:[/b] [indent]9 / 120 lbs[/indent] [/hider]