[hr][center][h2][color=0076a3]Commander Aamra Tulez[/color][/h2][/center][hr] [i][color=0076a3]"That should give them something to mull over, at least,"[/color][/i] Aamra mused to herself about the preliminary report. The alien officer's markings gave a cool glow as she allowed herself a little indulgence of pride at her work on this pre-debriefing; it provided everything that was needed in these sort of reports down to the letter but as per the captain's orders left enough out to ensure the high command would be pleasantly surprised by exactly what the pirates had been after. It probably would have floored some of the other crew to know that a stickler for rules and regulation like Aamra was, from a certain perspective, thumbing her nose at the high command, but the officer had no qualms about doing so. The rules exist for a reason after all, and they applied no matter how high or low your rank was, no exceptions. Not to mention as the liaison officer, Aamra had been blissfully unaware that the Council was getting her involved in what could amount to human trafficking. Such an idea sat VERY poorly with her, and were it not for the Captain's orders she would have been halfway through a rant at the first Admiral she contacted over this issue by now. [color=blue]"Aamara, it's show time,"[/color] Captain Raymond's voice crackled over the comm line. [color=blue]"A drink says Councilwoman Bruma calls me filth in front of my face."[/color] Aamra barely restrained a scowl at the mention of that name. Yet another one of the joys that came with working on this ship; regular correspondence with that pretentious bat of a councilwoman. She didn't know where Raymond first met her, but Aamra enjoyed the presence of the councilwoman quite some time ago at her commendation and acceptance into the officer corps of the Committee, where she loudly "whispered" to her colleague, questioning what "that speckled reptilian ape" did to become an officer in training. Their relationship had not improved since, but at the very least the contempt for the Forgei councilwoman that Aamra and Raymond shared helped convince the speckled reptilian ape that maybe this Captain wasn't so bad after all. [color=0076a3]"Councilwoman Bruma calls everyone filth, Captain,"[/color] Aamra commented coolly as she turned to reunite with the Captain after finishing a last inspection. [color=0076a3]"Were I not a devoted servant of the Committee in oath and in spirit, I would comment that the councilwoman has all the vibrancy and creativity of stale rainwater, but as it is I would not dream of disrespecting the esteemed councilwoman."[/color] A year ago she would have kicked herself for saying such a thing, but she was assigned to the Monroe after all, the chariot of misfits. When in Rome, as the human saying goes...