((Collab Post between [@Letter Bee] and [@Neozeon0083])) [b][i]Flashback, Part Three[/i][/b] Osamu glares at Serk in fury, saying, "And now you've proven that you don't know your place. Too bad that without someone under-eighteen to see what I'm going to do to you, you have nothing between me and what I plan to do to you." He smirks. "Guards, this man is fired from Red-Star. Seize and strip him, if you please." The hardened soldiers move to do so, grabbing his lab coat, boots, and pants. Osamu decides to delay what will happen for one second, saying, "Your last chance, Serk." "Hahaha, I've heard about you, and your little escapades. There are things I've endured far worse than anything you could do, and you can only kill me once" he looks at Hibiki's fallen body, "that is my lifes work, and you mean to corrupt it? I rather he die with me" A grin that eats all the shit creeps across his face as he taunts, "Besides, if you care for that 'boy' you have bigger problems than me." Osamu says, "Actually, I don't care for him at all, but now you've made it personal. No [i]gaijin[/i] is allowed to regard himself as indespensible above Asians, no matter how many contingencies he puts into place. Thankfully, my own Father is a much better scientist than you'll ever be." He concentrates on Hibiki's implants, knowing that their unique nature meant that he can do things with them that would need any other Pilot to be in their NC. The 'bio-computer' in Osamu Akiyama's brain sparks to life as he remotely interfaces with the young man's own nervous system. The synaptic link goes off without a hitch... Then his eyes open wide in shock and barely hidden pain, before his face twists into an unpleasant grimace. But he stays silent, stoic; he had to put on an impressive show for the guards and Red-Star's higher-ups. Even as pain burns through his nerves, through his body, Osamu endured, powered by hate and anger. Then... He breaks through into Hibiki's head, reactivating the implants that had been turned off. As he does so, however, he feels them adapting to his Bio-Computer's intrusion, being reshaped into something he hadn't expected; Osamu's eyes turned wide in shock as he felt Hibiki's brain and implants becoming completely immune to any further intrusion... But not this one. The android bit down the urge to kill the brat himself, but upon looking at Alexander, decided to force the latter to show how much [i]he[/i] cared for his prospective pupil. "Alexander Sky," he said, "If you don't want me to kill Hibiki Laplace myself, you will strip right now and grovel before me." The artificial human was only mildly surprised at how the Slave-Pilot quickly took off his clothes and underclothes, purposefully humiliating himself to please his master. "Good," Osamu said, "I'll even make sure that he doesn't wake up instantly to see you like that, Alexander Sky." He then gestured for the guards to take Serk away, but not without one last parting shot, "I'm going to corrupt your work and everything you did with my willpower alone. This is the price you pay for defying me." Hibiki suddenly takes an exasperated breath. Now subjugated by the gaurds, Serk sees the success and cries out," No...no no no no no, what have you done? You... You can't" Actual tears start to fall from the man's eyes, " This can't be, your destroying him, destroying me. You can! Stop stop!" His rambling continues. "I am Osamu Akiyama, and others' tears only add to my happiness," the Artificial human said before turning to Alexander, looking his naked form over. "Stand up, then put on your clothes; you [i]will[/i] show me more of your body later on, but not today. Today, you and your new 'apprentice' get to [i]bond[/i]." [i]Like my own father and I never got to.[/i] Regret, guilt, and love for the father he never knew, love that was not artificially programmed in his brain because there hadn't been time to program it. As Alexander quickly put on his clothes again, Osamu allowed Hibiki to awake, before saying, "Now both of you - Go!" Hibiki gets up, and asks, "what happened?". While standing next to Hibiki, Alexander feels a squeezing sensation he would relate to Osamu, but Osamu is on the other side of the room. Looking down, he sees Hibiki's hand making a pass at his ass. Hibiki, now noticing he had done such a thing, pulls his hand back and says, " Why did my hand do that? Why did I do that?" looking to Alexander. Alexander wasn't stupid, even in this new humiliation. Instead he says, "I think I know why, but we shouldn't bother Osamu-[i]sama[/i] any longer." A smile. "Let's get you some new clothes now." Hibiki smiles at his new friend and nods. Following Alexander, like a puppy given new life out of the room.