Danny wasn't too upset that his first attempt at [b]Mana Dart [/b] failed, though he did wonder if he was getting close to running low on mana. Either way he figured one more try wouldn't hurt. He did everything the same but this time he tied using [b]Lesser Force[/b] to force the mana to stay in the dart shape even after he launched it. The instant he was done with his test something that was a more immediate concern caught his attention. He briefly wondered if he should check the source of the flash out on his own, after informing the others of what he was doing of course. However when he got closer to the Dire Rats he saw that Jason had joined them and they seemed to be fighting a wild monster while Ed had run off. Speaking of Ed Jason wanted Danny to look for him and bring him to the entrance. He didn't like leaving them with an opponent but the slime seemed to think he could calm the wild rat down and Ed might be in more danger than them on his own. [color=0076a3]"On it. Which way did he go by the way?"[/color] [hider=Current abilities] [b]Abilities:[/b] [list] [*] [b]Mana Orb I and II[/b] [*] [b] Lesser Force II[/b] [*] [b]Levitation[/b] [*] [b]Monster Analysis II[/b] [*] [b] Meditate I[/b] [*] [b] Mana Shape I[/b] [*] [b]Aqua Sphere I[/b] [/list] [/hider]