Hi! I'm looking for a long-term dedicated partner in a romantic plot. I'd also like a partner who likes headcanons and talking ooc, since I believe communication between partners is important. I have discord for ooc talk, but PMs work too! 1. Good spelling and grammar, but I don't mind the occasional typo because I'm human and it just happens. 2. Third person, quality over quantity but I like to write long paras along with short paras. I normally try to match my partner. 3. Right now I'm on CST, other months I'm EST, but I'm always around. 4. I do write mature themes but I'm happy to keep it PG-13 if you're not comfortable with it. I only ask my partner to be 18+ since I'm 21+ and I wouldn't feel comfortable 5. I don't have triggers, but there are a few things I'm not comfortable with, so as long as we discuss them before doing anything, we're fine. 6. I can be as active as I can, but real life comes first. I normally try to reply at least twice every day, some days even more. 7. I’m open to all the ideas and suggestions for the plot, I love talking and deciding what to do together. 8. I love fluff just as much as I love angst, so a nice combination of both would be great. 9. I get super excited about my plots, so I always end up making manips, gifsets, graphics, and even playlists. 10. I really don't mind if you decide to ditch, but please I would prefer if you tell me first. There's nothing worse than people you love writing with ghosting on you. I'll understand if you're not into it anymore, so just let me know and no hard feeling. That said, I won't ditch without letting you know. Communication is the key here. 10. I prefer Discord, but email works as well. [b]K-Drama (first listed is the one I'm interested in playing):[/b] [b]Yoo Ri Ta/Park Ji Sang [i](Blood)[/i][/b] - I fell so in love with this drama, but the ending let me wanting more. I'm thinking a rewrite could be fun, but I'm also open to something after the ending. [b]Cha Ki Young/Park Tae Yeon [i](The Greatest Marriage)[/i][/b] - I know this isn't a very popular kdrama, but it's on Netflix and tbh I loved it. I'm looking for someone to do a rewrite/AU. We can start from the begnning or when she finds out she's pregnant. I'm open to discuss it and decide together. [b]Fandom (first listed is the one I'm interested in playing):[/b] [b]Jaina Solo/Poe Dameron [i](Star Wars Extended Universe)[/i][/b] - I do have a very specific plot in mind for them, starting around 27 ABY, that's about 7 years before The Force Awakens, and so on until Episode IX and even more, using new canon mostly. I will give a lot of more details once we are discussing. [b]Jyn Erso/Cassian Andor [i](Rogue One)[/i][/b] - An AU after the movie, they survive and return to the Rebellion. [b]Female OC/Spencer Reid [i](Criminal Minds)[/i][/b] - Around season nine. I have many ideas for this, but it can go any way as we plot together. [b]OFC/OMC [i](The Fast and The Furious)[/i][/b] - OCs being part of Dom’s team. We can pick a movie (I have a slight preference for Fast Five, though) and start from there. I have a perfect OC and I’m dying to play her more. We can play around with canon and add our own twists. [i]If interested, feel free to message me via PM or comment here and I'll hit you up![/i]