[hr][hr] [center][h1][color=yellow]Rila[/color][/h1] [img]http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/38200000/Nymeria-Sand-game-of-thrones-38208455-500-200.gif[/img][/center] [hr][hr] As Rila looked around she spotted her idiot of a cellmate over by the doors from where they were let in, before letting out a loud shout towards him. [color=yellow]"Shannuk get over to the wall if you want to escape!"[/color] Rila yelled towards him, but she was certainly not going to go after him, she wanted to escape from the prison. As Rila looked around she watched as a water bender girl used her bending to get herself up on the wall, and then a fire nation girl who attempted to use her bending to propel her up onto the wall. Seeing the airbender girl who was still on the ground fending off against the incoming guards. Rila started to make a beeline over to the wall ducking and dodging out of the way of other guards and prisoners. [color=yellow]"Time to go."[/color] Rila said as she kept running, she didn't care if Hikaru was going to protest or not, the girl would certainly need help if they were all going to make it out alive somehow. [color=yellow]"And up we go!"[/color] Rila said as she used her bending to propel herself up onto the wall landing easily on her feet as she set Hikaru down. She eyed the group that was there on the wall itself as well as some of the guards that were there, getting ready to defend herself if needed.