Anya swung her legs in the swing, humming a little tune to herself. She had a problem alright. A big one. The B-word had struck again. She sighed loudly and scowled at the encroaching dusk. Coulnd't nightfall get here any quicker!? It was like time slowed down just for her! Had she pissed off some time god. "So bored!" she yelled before falling backwards into the sand. [i]A shame there are no villages to terrorize.[/i] "Can't hurt humans remember," Anya grumbled. "Though that sounds dangerously close to fun." [i]They scatter like ants.[/i] Anya's own mouth watered as she shared the memory. [i]Delicious roasted flesh.[/i] "Great now I'm bored and hungry." Anya groaned. "Thanks alot." [i]Try being trapped in the body of a creature you once hunted.[/i] Anya was silent for a while. The cool air felt good on her skin, the peace bearable for once. "You think it's karma you being made my Archetype?" [i]Fear.[/i] A growl rumbled through Anya's mind then just her and her thoughts. Cryptic much? Anya stood up and stretched. Anytime now some fun would come her way she just knew it. Her smile was positively feral.