While I agree with removing teleportation and instant travel, we probably should have a rapid travel system in place. Perhaps not something inherent to the Gods, but readily found in Galbar for some reason. Maybe a network of interconnected wormholes unique to Galbar that makes fast travel feasible and is only survivable by Gods, Demigods and really powerful/resilient creatures (dragons, heroes, really resilient or strong willed mortals...)? That'd also serve as a starting point for the 'hotspots' we discussed earlier, as Gods would want Temples built around them, Demigods would wish to build empires to conquer all of them, and Heroes would try to use them on their selfless odysseys despite the possibility of death. P.S: I say wormhole, but they wouldn't be as quick as a wormhole. Imagine it like a shortcut. If travelling from one place to another by foot on Galbar's surface would normally take one month, a wormhole connecting the start to the finish would make the journey in say, three hours. P.S.S: And, of course, access to such 'wormholes' wouldn't be guaranteed. If someone you are enemies with has control over a specific route you need to take, you'd have to either fight for access, play politics, or just take the scenic route and suck a lemon. P.S.S.S: On the topic of removing fine control over the immediate surrounding of the Gods, I think we should keep it as it is. We could probably make the radius of their control smaller, maybe by half of what it is, but removing it entirely would be no fun. Of course, if you want to do some majestic weather stuff, you'd have to use a lotta might or lick the weather God's shoes. And, if we're gonna put this on Advanced, i don't think we have to worry too much about power-players and stuff. Not that we need to elsewhere, as we have gotten really good at discerning who would be a good player from the applicants we get.