[quote=@Frettzo] While I agree with removing teleportation and instant travel, we probably should have a rapid travel system in place. Perhaps not something inherent to the Gods, but readily found in Galbar for some reason. Maybe a network of interconnected wormholes unique to Galbar that makes fast travel feasible and is only survivable by Gods, Demigods and really powerful/resilient creatures (dragons, heroes, really resilient or strong willed mortals...)? That'd also serve as a starting point for the 'hotspots' we discussed earlier, as Gods would want Temples built around them, Demigods would wish to build empires to conquer all of them, and Heroes would try to use them on their selfless odysseys despite the possibility of death. [/quote] That can be done... IC. When I made my vision chart up there I was also considering a travel chart, since it is such a good example of how we lose on the uniqueness of gods by giving too many abilities by default. Travel Default: Gods can run and jump at inhuman speeds, float on air, walk on water. They can access the realms beyond. Monument: A series of gates that when crossed by a god teleport them away to the other side of the world or to a sphere realm. Relic: The Silver Chariot of the Moon is a fast flying chariot carried by magical winged dolphins, during the night, it is so fast and shiny mortals confuse it for a shooting star. Ability: This god has wings that allow him to travel at even faster speeds and with great stability, no storm, magical or not, will break his balance. Portfolio: The god of the rivers can quickly cross the continent by following its many rivers. A god's divinity is in its essence, its ichor, and the consequent ability to make sites and monuments holy, create artefacts, bring about change to the world, mutating animals, connect Galbar with the Spheres and shape their own essence to fortify their bodies. I legit think we need to stop thinking in terms of "a god should do that" and think instead "a god can do that." Yes gods should be on default powerful and eternal, but there is a balance to that, and if we make them too powerful we are losing on things that could be unique. For example, Fretz wanted immediately, as we started the game, paths that could cross the world. BBeast wanted easy and immediate access to the spheres. I am of the opinion this is not necessary to be there on the start, even if both are indeed skills we will need. A God can create the portals, maybe the god of civilization creates these big towers that are all interconnected, but oh wait, the goddess of nature hates the guts of that dude, she doesn't want him to hold such powers, so she creates magical tree paths that connect between the land, then the god of shadows creates alleyways that all end on the same area despite being in multiple cities and gives it to his holy order, the thievery guild. If all gods can immediately their own spheres, well, that is it. But if, outside of the one path created by the architect, they need to make their own, then there is room for creative solutions. One god can have the ability to turn into lightning and shoot to the skies, one god can have a staff that creates whirlpools in water that lead into his sphere, one god can make a henge that connects his realm and Galbar as a two way path. I will likely write up some more examples of my overall idea later. [b]Portfolios[/b] I think making all actions within the portfolio is cheap, and I say that as someone who cheesed up the system with the most portfolios of any god in MK2 :P. In general, I would propose this Not water-related god creates river: Might water-related god creates river: Free Not water-related god creates ocean: lots of might water-related god creates ocean: might thought this leads to [b]Ages[/b] I would like to reiterate my idea of Age-specific might discounts. Creating a chain of mountains on Galbar should be like, one might in the age of creation, even if you are not a mountain god, but creating a single tall mountain in the age of steady civilizations costs more might than the chain of mountains did in the past. Now... if those civilizations were to collapse and a dark age to start, mountains would be cheaper again, wink.