[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fpkngGI.png[/img] [h3][color=Chocolate]~Chieko Okawa~[/color][/h3][/center] Hero's District, Priestella Death count: 1 Reset Count: 4 [hr] Chieko didn't say much to Aerith's rant. In fact, she almost didn't visibly react at all, aside from returning her gaze to the ground and pulling her scarf over her mouth once more. Communication wasn't the problem here. No, their stubborn bullheadedness of constantly throwing things at the wall over and over again was the problem. Maybe if they took a moment to sit and actually talk with each other and [i]think[/i] about things instead of running off and doing whatever they wanted too at the expense of everyone else! If people didn't care about her opinion? Fine. She didn't care about their opinions any more. But she wouldn't start anything else, no. She knew better than to say anything else at this point. She didn't want any trouble, truly, she didn't. But why could people never accept the harsh reality, even if it was a bitter pill to swallow? Aerith talked about all these things, but they were completely wrong. [color=Chocolate]"No, but it would give all of us a chance to group together and actually [i]communicate[/i] when we're not constrained by time instead of being forced to choose."[/color] She replied coldly, walking past Aerith. Never said she was good at not talking. It was simple logic, really. Sure things may not work out perfectly, but if they were all together and knew where everyone else was wouldn't they have an easier time of it? She had half a mind to walk off and just leave them. If they kept dying from stubbornness, that was their problem and she was out of patience with them. Chieko quietly walked after Ashton and Alistair, and Donovan. Alistair seemed like he somewhat knew what he was talking about moreso than the others on some level. She still didn't agree with just blindly throwing themselves to the wolves, but she had little choice now. Ugh...she really didn't want to do this, but she wasn't going to be dying here in any sense of the word. Not again. She refused. [color=Chocolate]"Uhm...I'll go with you, sir."[/color] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vC3QHdp.png[/img] [h3][color=slategray]Mie Yukima[/color][/h3][/center] Warehouse [hr] Negotiations had been going so well and then Mirt had to go and muck it up. Mie simply swished her tail back and forth irritably. Fool. Moron. Idiot. Mie had half a mind to let things just play out the way they were going and let the foreigner lay in the bed he made. Mie tolerated many things, but extreme foolishness and ignorance was not one of them. But she couldn't let her current employer make such a mistake, could she? Mie sighed. Normally in any other circumstance she would do what was most entertaining at the time, and watching this pretty kitten attempt fighting Mirt would be hilarious...but she had been hired, and the thought of pulling a fast one over some corrupt humans was far more enticing. Ah, she wanted some alcohol. Before things could get further out of hand, Mie reached up without even looking behind her. With a surprising amount of swiftness and strength, she grabbed Mirt by his significant beard an [i]pulled[/i] so his face was now level with hers. [color=slategray]"Look here, you halfwit foreigner."[/color] Mie began with a tired tone. [color=slategray]"You hired me because you needed a merchant. I'm more than happy to make an extra, quick buck..."[/color] She turned her head slowly towards him. [color=slategray]"...what I'm not happy about, is needless complications. So shut up and let the one you hired to do talking for you actually do it or I'll shave this beard of yours."[/color] She forcefully released the grip on his beard as she turned back to Elque. [color=slategray]"I apologize for my fool of a benefactors words. Make no mistake, pretty kitten, I am just a humble merchant he hired to do the talking for him...as well, do the less than desirable parts of this whole thing, heh. But that's okay, my hands haven't been clean in a long time."[/color] She chuckled.