[Center][h1]STEELBIRD LANDING[/h1][/center] [hr] [hr] [center][i]The title screen flashes, showing a distant shot of the downed planes deep in the jungle, a heavy tribal beat pumping as an orchestra begins to play, accompanied by heavy metal guitar in a slow but grinding dirge. We see shots of a destroyed Rio, of great chasms in the earth, of apes screeching at the camera, of a strange, many-knuckled hand clutching the lip of a rain-soaked cliff, and then all fades to black.[/i][/center] [Center][h2][color=4BBB7D]AVENUE[/color] AND [color=BCBCBC]SPARROW[/COLOR][/h2][/center] [i]When the scene fades in from the blackness of before, we are treated to muffled screams and a close up shot over someone's shoulder as she takes aim with her bow. She is aiming at an ape currently in the middle of dragging away a screaming man holding a knife and taking wild swings at the thing. The camera rotates around, and we see you, Sparrow, let loose your arrow into the ape's flank, causing it to howl and drop the man in favor of cradling its new, seeping wound. Almost as soon as the camera returns to you, we see another ape drop from the trees onto you, throwing its club-like arms at your head with a trilling scream. If it gets a solid hold of you, you know the thing will rip off your arm and club you to death with it. With a violent jerk of the camera, we see you, Avenue, holding your weapon of choice in hand and brandishing it at one of the large apes in the troop trying to drag away one of your flock to be eaten. Scatter is bleeding profusely from the head, and the ape is holding a large rock above its head, threatening to club your brains out with it. In the background, we see four more apes harassing members of your flock with sticks, rocks, teeth, and nails. Tum Tum, your right hand man, calls out, "PROVE YOUR STRENGTH IN HOPE, BRETHREN!" We are right outside of your little... Chapel? Cult Hut? Whatever it is, describe it to us. Oh yeah, and tell us why the fuck the apes are trying to kill your flock. Sparrow, why are you out by Avenue's place, why are you helping, and what are you going to do about this ape trying to violently push your brain out through your ears?[/i] [Center][h2][color=ed1c24]PEPSI[/color] AND [color=lightgoldenrodyellow]HEMLOCK[/color][/h2][/center] [i]We cut to a new scene, in the heart of Steelbird Landing. We see a tent, erected by stitching together many tarps. We hear, briefly, the sound of a few gasps and yelps of alarm. There is a small crowd gathered near the front of a long bar, forming a circle around something interesting happening in its center. The crowd seems to have gone still for a moment. In the center of this circle, we see Pepsi. You have a shattered bottle jammed deep into the neck of a bearded man named First. His hot blood is racing in rivulets down your arm, and his own fists are opening and closing uselessly as if desperately clinging to the life seeping out of his body while you hold him in a sort of perverse, macabre hug. Pepsi, what happened here? What do we hear you whispering into First's ear? Why is the crowd starting to cheer when you finish talking? Hemlock, we watch the camera slowly zoom into your face, and we watch you smile and pull yourself from the crowd as they begin to hoot and holler. We see the violation glove on your hand. What does it look like? What are you smiling about? How did you cause this? Why? Where are you going now?[/i] [Center][h2][color=fdc68a]ALCOHOL[/color] AND [color=ec582c]MILK[/color][/h2][/center] [I]Alcohol, we find you in your "office" where you do your official business. In your post, please tell us where that is and what it looks like inside. While you're at it, tell us about the report you're hearing from Twice about another monster sighting just outside of the walls last night, and what Coop is saying the thing did... and said. Milk, you're going to give Alcohol a rough time of it. You're looking for Hemlock, and have a strong suspicion that Alcohol knows where Hemlock is right now. You need to know where Hemlock is, because she knows where Twix is at. You're especially angry about her disappearance today... tell us why. Oh, and also make sure to include what you're threatening Alcohol with to really put the screws to him.[/i]