Okay, I tried codifying my thoughts on innate powers and also on the concept of abilities. This is what I came up with. [hider=Concept and rules of Abilities] What are Abilities: Abilities are aspects of a god’s existence and power usage. It represents traits, quirks and skills. Abilities should be used to customize the RP experience and define the deity beyond just his Portfolios. Acquiring Abilities: Abilities are purchased with Might. They cannot be instantaneously developed, as they need to be justified through acts such as training or meditation to alter the god’s form, and therefore cannot be developed in the middle of battles or anything of the sort. The one exception should be the early game, where gods will need to quickly define themselves. Abilities vs Relics and Monuments: Abilities are usually weaker than relics and monuments that do similar actions. A sword relic tends to be stronger than a sharp claw ability, a magical chariot will be faster than a speed ability, the disadvantage of relics and monuments is that they can be stolen or lost. Abilities also cannot be bought for others and only change the god, as such, one cannot pass the ability of strenght to someone else, unlike relics, which typically can be gifted. Abilities vs Portfolio: Having a portfolio grants any baseline ability imaginable for the area involved. A god of animals does not need the ability to turn into animals, as the portfolio grants it. A god of thunder, however, must invest might into a shapeshifting ability. Abilities and Relics vs Might Usage: The difference between a one-time great action versus a continuous ability. A Chimera created by might is greater than the sum of its parts, a legendary beast. While the ability to mix two animal together will create weaker beasts but is a permanent skill. [/hider] [hider= Example: Abilities related to Form] [b]Form[/b] Likely the first thing anyone will want to spend in, setting up the bodily traits that define their god. Default: The deity has their humanoid or special form. They are clearly a god. Some examples of possible abilities: • Humanoid Form: For deities who are gigantic, magical beasts, or just hard to comprehend and want to have a more compact form. • Special Form: Not simple animal forms, but the form of great magical beasts, colossal giants, living storms. Can be acquired multiple times. • Shapeshifting: The ability to turn into mortal creatures at will. • Mortal-like: Can conceal godhood and turn oneself into an unassuming mortal. • Swarm Form: Can turn oneself into schools of fish, flocks of bird, swarms of insects... • Immaterial Form: Turning into smoke, water, fire, lightning… • Blinding Sight: Mortals cannot behold the visage of the god without bleeding from their eyes. Even heroes and demi-gods struggle to focus on them. • Awe: The visage of the god is awe-inspiring, beauty to make a person mad, an aura of crushing authority, or terrors beyond imagination... • Avatar (relic): A second body of the god. Can have a normal or special form. Can be autonomous or not. Can hide godhood. Etc. So, for example, both Teknall and Ilunabar would have Shapeshifting, but only Ilunabar would have Awe and Immaterial Form (she can become raw dream energy and is never mentioned as having inner organs like Tek) and only Teknall would have Mortal-like. [/hider] [hider= Innate godhood skills] All assumes no might usage, no portfolio affinity and that the the deity is in Galbar, not their own Sphere. [b]Climatization[/b] As immortals, there is no place that will be unsurvivable by a deity. However, larger storms, the depths of a molten lava lake or the blizzards of the poles are hard to navigate without affinity to such locations. [b]Strength[/b] All gods are powerful by nature, they will not be harmed by most mundane threats and can do acts such as smashing large boulders with one kick no matter their domains. [b]Senses[/b] Gods can see in great detail up to the horizon line, able to see even in the true darkness of deep space, and can observe aspects such as heat, magnetic fields or souls. They can hear as far as they can see, are able to pinpoint the direction of sounds and are able to simultaneously understand all speakers of a large crowd. Gods have a metaphysical sense that can perceive reality as raw information. (what we call perceive in MK2) [b]Senses - Mind Reading[/b] All gods can read a mind and understand thoughts and memories, however, this is an act that requires some focus and a target for deities unrelated to the domains of the mind. [b]Travel[/b] Gods can run and jump at inhuman speeds, float on air, walk on water. They can access the realms beyond. Weather Changing the weather costs might for gods without a domain related to it. [b]Craftsmanship[/b] All gods can create relics with might points, but do not have a natural ability to craft mundane high-quality crafts unless it is pertinent to their portfolio or cluster. (A deity of the hunt is able to naturally craft great bows, but a deity of nature might struggle to do the same.) [b]Fauna and Flora[/b] All gods can create any life using might. All gods may mutate life using their essence for free, though the changes are limited to their domain. All gods are able to discern the thoughts of animals and can communicate with any animal, but plants require affinity. The innate ability to create existing animals from nothing requires a domain related to the life being created. Plants can be created from nothing but will grow at natural speed without affinity. [b]Materials[/b] Without might or affinity related to the material, a god will have trouble creating matter from nothing. Simple things such as sand and rocks are easier to create than metals or rare materials. All gods have the ability to control elements within their vicinity using only their minds, they may raise rocks and water from the ground, purify or mix materials, extract a particular element out the ground, or compress, melt, ignite or freeze something. In simple words, most gods cannot just take a bar of gold from their sleeve, but if they are near a gold deposit (which they can perceive) they can reach into the ground and extract a pure bar of gold from the very soil. [/hider]