It took a few seconds for Kaleeth to process what Janius was saying, but once she understood, her eyes briefly widened. She quickly leaned in closer and hushed her voice, despite the fact that they were alone in Zharan's hut, with no one around to listen. "What? Please tell me he didn't mention that to anyone else." Kaleeth looked progressively more worried as she ran her hand down the side of her face. "How? How couldn't he know? I am absolutely [i]certain[/i] we told him about the marks. My father mentioned it, described them. Juran-Selth mentioned it, and I'm pretty sure he described them too. There's no way he couldn't know. You don't just...not get the marks. It's tradition, and it's a great honor. [i]Especially[/i] the marks of the leviathan. So few people can earn those marks...I can't even begin to say how much of an insult it would be if he just...refused them." [hr] S'nashi and Vasiq both introduced themselves in turn after Calia, and it was, of course, S'nashi who was the most enthused to continue. She wore a modest green dress, lightly embroidered as was fashionable currently among Imperials. She was clearly well-groomed, and Ahnasha had expected she had spent most of her morning brushing her fur until it was [i]just[/i] right. Although, despite what were no doubt S'nashi's best efforts, she was at an age where she could not hide her grey hairs. Gwindir, by contrast, still looked just the same as he always had in Ahnasha's memory: not completely youthful, but far from nearing old age. "It is wonderful to meet you all!" S'nashi smiled after introducing herself. "I can smell that Shevari has done an excellent job on our lunch, as always. I hope we have not kept you all waiting for too long. We just had to admire this beautiful place. The Blackwood forest does have a wonderful charm to it, certainly, but this northern Cyrodilic countryside is simply idyllic. Rolling hills underneath mountains, forests, this little lake and its little waterfall, oh and this view!" She remarked, looking out down the mountain towards Cheydinhall itself. "It's just perfect. I can see why we came here." After taking another look around at the two gathered families, S'nashi looked back to Calia. "Will your husband be joining us? I've been looking forward to meeting him too." Ahnasha had to avoid allowing herself to sigh. They had managed to go all of thirty seconds without bringing up Fendros' father.