Tiral took a deep breath as the supposed mastermind of this whole incident boasted about arranging the entire incident, ignoring most of what was being said as the ravings of a megalomaniac who thought the power that they held was more than anyone else could handle. Though he had to admit that the plan had [i]almost[/i] succeeded, the plan was so half-baked compared to the ones of the past that it was almost laughable. Bait the Knights out, then assassinate their leader? While there was enough support from the rearguard to protect an entire militia? There was no way that any of them would leave their Captain without support as a whole, even if more than a few members were more inclined towards unabashed offense over anything else. "...You. Stay in place, unless you want your head lopped off on the crossfire," he stated simply towards the drider, who it seemed was still trying to process everything. "You'll still be punished for your misdeeds, but that can be settled later." With a flick of his wrist and a quiet incantation, the mage-knight formed an array of icicles behind him before aiming them at the witch. There was no way that she wouldn't have countermeasures planned, but it was better to exhaust what she held now and let the others clean up the rest with brute force. "I'll provide cover and support. Captain, she'll likely aim for your head if she cannot take us all; do be cautious," he said as he began to fire each icicle in rapid succession.