[h1][center][color=4286f4][i]Arthur Stanford[/i][/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][img]https://s.aolcdn.com/dims-shared/dims3/GLOB/crop/3280x2050+0+121/resize/640x400!/format/jpg/quality/85/https://s.aolcdn.com/hss/storage/midas/73ce8167c00ca1dc68e8468a67c07477/202780896/Photo+Credit+Jordan+Matter.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] Arthur's smile widened at his sister's reply, "[color=4286f4]That would be another solution.[/color]" He agreed, and locked arms tight with Ash. He drew breath at Alannah's comment towards them. Maybe she hadn't meant it to come across as such, but it sounded a bit like she was singling out Ash for his loss. Taking a moment to turn back and face her, he said, "[color=4286f4]I'm sure we both will come back, I'd love to get some tips.[/color]" He said, flashing a smile the daughter of Athena. Just because he beat his sister this time, that didn't mean that he was the superior combatant. He'd been beaten by his sister plenty of times, and he didn't particularly like the implication that she might need help that he didn't. Stretching a bit, he turned back towards the the path towards the dining pavilion. He looked over at her, and said, "[color=4286f4]We should figure out something for Chatter's, I don't want to wake up to that again.[/color]" He said, thinking, "[color=4286f4]We could put him in a box over night,[/color]" He said, letting his shields form back into accessories around his wrists. "[color=4286f4]I doubt he'd care for that though.[/color]" He said, almost sounding glum. Being awake this early was something he just didn't care for. Having days when he could sleep in was something he cherished, and he wanted to mitigate losing them in the future. He thought maybe he could speak to some Hypnos kids, hoping that they might have something for him that could help him sleep through any morning interruptions.