Rider spun to face the monster behind him only to see the creature already being fired upon by Archer, the Servant creating and discarding one weapon after another as he attacked; it seemed he had the situation in hand already. Leaving that one to his ally the Achaean turned his head this way and that to find an opponent who had not yet been engaged before sprinting to meet the two Chimera approaching from the left. The monsters rushed to meet him just as eagerly and as the distance between them closed the nearest Chimera leapt towards him with its mouth open and teeth bared to tear him apart. Rider struck the creature in the jaw with the back of his shield, swinging his arm out to the side and diverting the airborne monstrosity so that it sailed past him to crash awkwardly to the ground. He then brought his shield around in time to slam in down on the snout of the second creature charging towards him, the rim on his shield forcing its maw shut and pushing its head into the dirt. Holding his spear so that the bronze tip was pointed down Rider drove the weapon through the top of the creature’s skull and pierced the ground below, effectively pinning the Chimera in place; the monster began to spasm and flail wildly, still able to move even with its brain damaged but unable to control its actions enough to pushing itself up and free itself. Rider turned to face the other Chimera as it was standing, drawing his sword from its sheathe and pacing towards the growling creature. It dove for him again, leaping above him and seeking to crush him under its forelegs, and he caught its claws on his shield; as the weight of the monster pressed him into the dirt and its claws sought to gouge groves in his shield he used his free arm to drive his sword upwards into its chest, the bronze blade easily piercing through to its heart. Pushing the Chimera off of him and letting it fall to the ground Rider turned to regard the other one still pinned to the ground behind him before sweeping his eyes other the melee to see if anyone else needed assistance.