Gone ahead and updated. With this, [@Star Lord]'s Roadhog is added to the mix as a hostile fighter, in what I hope is an exciting entrance to the RP. He's pitted against Ratchet and Din over the possession of Kirby. However, Roadhog's not alone; alongside him is a rabbid Supporter, whose bouncing grenades are perhaps reminiscent of an old comrade, but it also able to emit healing pulses and put up an attack-absorbing shield around himself. Star Lord can control this rabbid as well. Like Hunter vs Fawful, which is I hope in progress, this'll be a PVP fight. You can play by post or do a collab between the three of you, with the total word count in the collab getting EXP for everything involved. Keep things fun and fair! If you have any questions or need arbitration, I'll be happy to lend a hand.