[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ll3GfCS.png[/img] [sub]Main Stage Audience Area, Dianoid, District 15[/sub][/center] A city full of super-powered children, and not a single one of them capable of influencing what was happening right before their eyes. If it wasn’t for how shitty of a situation this currently was, Yu-Ri would probably smile about it. Alas, her escape attempt had caught the eyes of the stage-hijacker after all, and the Chinese ESPer clicked her tongue, immediately abandoning her attempt at exiting. She pushed away from the door, dropped low, and tumbled, grazing underneath the massive drone a second before it would have pulverized her against the heavy doors. Her dark gaze turned upwards and around as she stood up, legs coiled and ready to run. How many more of these ‘weapons’ was this psycho going to spend on going after her? Ugh, why couldn't she just have a simple job for once?