Slowly, mercifully the carriage jolted to a halt. Upon stepping outside, the true squalor of Ash was painstakingly revealed. Flickering candlelight vaguely shown through boarded windows, the glass long gone from most houses. The wind told a story of a coming storm, and the darkening clouds in the distance served to prove it. It appeared that the strongest indication of human life came from the tavern, whose faded sign swung frantically about from a single hinge. Respectively the church seemed quite abandoned though a slim figure quietly stepped out and walked towards the carriage. Meanwhile, Roake quietly beckoned towards the group, signaling each of them to step forward one by one. No matter what each one of them did, they could not see his face which always seemed to be obscured in shadow. First was Voss. Roake stares at the muscular man for a moment before gripping his shoulder with a bony hand. Leaning forward, he whispers “you see through the veil, take comfort in your solidarity. “ before pressing a small dagger into his hand. It is what appears to be solid steel, and has flowing script embossed on its sides. Somehow, it appears the script is glowing but the language is indecipherable. Next was Adila, who was presented with a small bottle. The liquid inside was black, and the inscription simply read “he prospers, from my sacrifice.” No words were spoken to her, and Roake simply ushered her away before she could ask any questions. 2nd to last stepped Aliana. Though his eyes were obscured by darkness, she could still feel a withering gaze. “Your very existence is heresy, your steps track sin wherever you go.” He sighs for a moment, the wisdom of 10,000 years contained in a single breath. Silently he hands her a vial of purple liquid, crudely labeled “the fallen” in broken script. Before she could ask any questions, Aliana was roughly shoved away with surprising force. Lastly was Kiera. It was no secret of her devotion, and she practically feel the eminence of shee’l tor emanating from the cloaked man. “You get one question, then you will go.” He said scathingly. “Anything you want to know.” He did not appear happy to grant this request, but nonetheless said it anyways.