[@tal0n] That depends on collective maturity. [i]Most[/i] of the people may have come to the realization that Titania is friend and not foe. >But to [url=https://media.npr.org/assets/img/2015/06/26/ap_00042201955-1099887aa1180f43a8210f9a429f754126f78373-s800-c85.jpg]suddenly drop a CSAR-team expecting a hot extraction in with orbital bombardment on standby[/url]? Emotional tensions can cause many irrational things to happen extremely quickly at a critical deciding-point. >[i]Especially if this Elian Gonzalez has atomic fire breath.[/i] There were a few hostage/prisoner rescue attempts back in the 1970s that were conducted on the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Ivory_Coast]wrong prison-camps[/url]/[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayaguez_incident]wrong-islands[/url] that were amongst the most costly rescue-missions in US history at that time (excl. BAT-21).