Janius tightened his lips and hesitantly nodded. "Perhaps you're right. Let's talk to him tonight and sort it out." For an empty moment, Janius looked at the closed entrance of the tent, thinking. "I'm starting to think I've been too easy on the boy. It took me longer than he has lived for me to learn about a commitment that will last his lifetime." [hr] "Very good, Gwindir," Calia noted with a half-nod. "The policy changes have benefited us a little, too. Good wine is a luxury item, and the price has risen in our favour. Granted, our competition is still fierce with vinters in the West Weald amongst others, though it does not negate the good news; the Altmer can opine all they wish on their drinks, but it matters not a mote if they're too tall to sell it." She sipped daintily at her cup of wine once Rhazii handed it off to her. "This is [i]really[/i] good soup, Shevari," Llarasa said. "It's so soothing. What did you say it was made from? Seaweed?" "Mm." Even Monderyn nodded in agreement. "We never really have Argonian food."