Tell me what ya' think of Moon eye [hider=My Hider] [center][h2][color=8493ca]Name:[/color][/h2] [color=8493ca][h3]Lienar Moon eye The Mask maker The First Astronomer[/h3] [h2]Domain:[/h2] [h3]The Moon[/h3] [h2]Appearance:[/h2] [img][/img] [h2]Realm:[/h2] Mune is a large settlement of Mask specters, his creations, 50 miles south of the Teeth of madness. His home however is the road. He never stays in one place very long, but regularly visits his more enjoyed sibling's homes. [h2]Biography:[/h2] Lienar is as old as the moon itself, but has only had a form for a few decades. It's cord was one with the moon, and from there it watched the world develop. Some of the gods especially peaked it's interest. Oao, the goddess of darkness. It thought her fascinating, for one with so much of a domain, but little confidence. Dirka, the goddess of magic, wild and peculiar, yet wanting only the best for the humans. Iva, knowledge, ripping things apart only to see how they work. Hyperion, light, crusading against all he believed to be evil. It made Lienar sad and lonely, for it couldn't interact with any of them. All it could do was make shapes on the moon and move the moon to another place in the sky. It couldn't manifest anywhere being so far away. One day, it got an idea. It searched for it's cord and put it in a meteorite made of the moon. It then shot itself at the teeth of madness thinking that the best one to appeal to. Luckly, it timed it's shot right, for it landed near a mage village that Dirka was visiting. She saw it land with flames of blue, knowing it wasn't an ordinary meteorite. When she got to it's landing site, Lienar's cord had made a message out of the meteorite's remains to help it. Dirka instantly thought it was one of her siblings who had an accident. She made sure to keep it at a distance, as to not absorb it, and brought it with her to the rift. As she moved it, she discovered it was a sibling, but one she didn't know. She brushed against the cords energy with her mind and got thoughts and memories. She immediately set it somewhere no one would touch it while she worked. Days passed, and finally she was done. She made a mask to house the cord's energy and consciousness. She through the mask at the cord, knowing the magic she placed in it would trap the cord. It went around the cord and integrated with it, changing in color and somewhat in shape. The mask floated and looked around, glowing a dark blue hue. It went towards Dirka and for the first time Lienar spoke. "Thank you my sister. I didn't know if you would help with your unpredictable behavior, but I believed you to be the best choice. The others would try to abuse a new cord or absorb it." Dirka smiled brightly and hugged the mask. She asked it's name. "Lienar, god of the moon". Lienar is very observative and quite. It prefers to watch the on-goings than participate, but loves to interact with other beings, whether negative or positive. Lienar isn't greedy, lustful, gluttonous, prideful, nor lazy. It only gets angry when something breaks a mask. Then Lienar does everything it can to make that beings existence a living hell. He likes many of his siblings but several he keeps an eye on. Notes: Lienar can alter it's form around the mask. It has no set shape, but when interacting with mortals and gods, it chooses the form above. In response to Dirka's making Lienar's mask, it also makes masks who have divine or magical power infused in them. These it gives to mortals it believes worthy or uses them to make more mask specters. Lienar is stronger at night, whether the moon be full or not. On eclipses Lienar changes to an orange hue and goes mad, babbling gibberish and doing things it wouldn't normally do. While the moon is up, he knows more about the on-goings of the world, and what individuals are doing. But places such as the library or the Rift are safe from this, and he can't see very deep underground, where he can't see Oao and Ferron's dwarves. Structures do not hide entities from this though. He can also put any creature not a god to sleep. This effect is harder to use on stronger creatures, such as Ragnagedon's dragons, and the day makes this effect null and void. Misc: He loves gentle music, ones that lull mortals to sleep. [/color][/center] [/hider]