[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjRhODI0NS5RWE5vLjAA/parseltongue.regular.png[/img][/center] [h3]~Forest outside the Cavern~[/h3] [hider=Inventory] [i]Throat Pouch:[/i] - 5x empty slots. [i]Rawhide Backpack[/i] - x2 Agrep Leaves. - x1 Blue Agrep - x3 Empty [/hider] [hr] [quote=System:Ash] You used Alchemy II! You used Magic Analysis I! ---Blackworm--- This target has not been harvested, dissected, or otherwise broken down into useful components. Without more Analysis Skills, at its current rank the Alchemy Skill is unable to analyze the traits of this target or its reactivity. This Creature has no Magical Properties whatsoever, not even MP. ---Lampworm--- This target has not been harvested, dissected, or otherwise broken down into useful components. Without more Analysis Skills, at its current rank the Alchemy Skill is unable to analyze the traits of this target or its reactivity. This Monstrous Creature has few Magical Properties, and barely any MP. ---Common Spider Species--- This target has not been harvested, dissected, or otherwise broken down into useful components. Without more Analysis Skills, at its current rank the Alchemy Skill is unable to analyze the traits of this target or its reactivity. This Creature has no Magical Properties whatsoever, not even MP. ---Wild Topapo--- Plant, Root. Firm exterior. Low taste value. High in carbohydrates. Slight toxicity in the skin and leaves. Soft, slightly crunchy interior. Relatively non-reactive. Very low magical properties. ---Blue Argep--- Plant, Berry. Firm exterior. High sweetness. Very High Vitamin Content. Slightly acidic juice. Negligible toxicity in seed pits. Soft, weak, pulpy, juicy. Slightly reactive. No magical properties. ---Alchemy and Analysis Complete!--- [/quote] She soon came upon a couple of bushes, their leaves glimmering with the sheen of misty droplets. The bright green leaves of one bush concealed lumpy roots much like those Torrent and Oberon had been digging for when that beetle attacked, and the other plant's branches hung low with round, swollen bunches of blue colored berries. Hrmph, no logs or anything on the ground to make use of. At least the rain from the night before seemed to have made any creatures wary of being out this early of a morning. Only a few small critters stirred about the forest floor, worms, bugs, and the like. Nothing immediately notable aside from that beetle she had left the others to deal with. Blackworm, Lampworm, and a common spider species. Seemed if she wanted to learn more about them she'd have to dissect them and learn more about them herself. Expected, but it was always a good idea to look before leaping. It wasn't until she found a series of bushes did she find something even mildly interesting. Bright, lumpy roots like those Oberon and Torrent had been digging up, and the other had round bunches of blue colored berries. A quick analysis told her it was Wild Topapo andBlue Agrep. [color=598527]"High in Carbs and high in Vitamin content..."[/color] Musing to herself, Ash plucked one of the berries from its stem and gave it a closer inspection. And the Topapo was even mildly magically reactive. Curious. She'd need to keep that in mind. Might be useful later if she could find other magically reactive things. But before she could think about it, there was a blast, a roar accompanied by a hot wind. Jumping slightly from being startled Ash fumbled with the Agrep, turning around and looking back in the direction she had come in. That was back in the direction the others had come from...! Quickly stuffing the berry in her backpack, the Pygmy Drake made a dash back to where she had come from. Who was shouting? She didn't recognize the voice, but something about Torrent and dying? It didn't take her long to reach the clearing where they had been previously fighting the beetle. Oh no. Nonono. What did those idiots do?! Fire. So much fire, like someone lit a campfire in a drought. Was...Torrent burning? It was difficult to see everything clearly through the flames. The heat from it was enough to feel from even all the way here. Urgh, this wasn't good. Flapping her wings, she lifted herself into the air with little grace. The heat licked her claws, but she paid it no mind. For a moment, Ash attempted to hover there, bewildered, trying to piece together how it happened. The beetle? But it was dead. Something else? Didn't matter. Anger quickly punted any sort of sadness she was feeling out. Just how [i]badly[/i] did they have to fuck up to explode something?! She should have stayed with them! Suppressing a growl, she did quick mental check. Oberon wasn't looking too good himself, but didn't seem to be in any immediate danger. Some goblin trying to put out the fire. [color=598527]"Oberon! Get yourself together and try and heal torrent!"[/color] She shouted, trying to give them some sort of direction, hoping a voice might be good enough to spur them into action. [color=598527]"Mourningstar! See if you can find any healing herbs like in the cave, but if you can't return immediately!"[/color] They could worry about the remnants of the fire and explosion later, saving Torrent was their first priority. [color=598527]"You, Goblin! Clear a ground path to Torrent!"[/color] He seemed friendly, so perhaps he was another one like them? He seemed like he was trying to help. She wasn't sure if she could try air lifting torrent out of this mess, but hopefully that goblin could try clearing a ground path that they could both lift her out of.