[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/QCgTnAH.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth][@SilverPaw][@Kazemitsu][@ReusableSword] [quote=Dungeon:Jason] [color=purple]COMMAND INVALID. DUNGEON CANNOT REGISTER A MID-BOSS AT CURRENT LEVEL. DIRE_RAT_A WAS KILLED BY ADULT_DIRE_RAT_123! REGISTER ADULT_DIRE_RAT_123 AS AN INTRUDER?[/color] [/quote] Jason sighed, why did things have to be so difficult? [color=darkred]"No, do not register [color=purple]ADULT_DIRE_RAT_123[/color] as an intruder..."[/color] he grumbled as he sped along. [color=F0E68C]“If we encounter an ex-human, let’s try to resolve this situation peacefully, alright?”[/color] Asteria chimed in as she easily caught up to Jason, [color=F0E68C][i]If they’re an ex-human, maybe they’ll just agree to a non-aggression pact if nothing else.[/i][/color] [color=darkred][i]'If it is indeed one of our fellow reincarnators, I don't intend to settle the matter violently.'[/i][/color] Jason responded to his Second in Command with [b][Telepathy II][/b] as he continued to push the limits of his speed, [color=darkred][i]'However, in the event that they [b]refuse[/b] to back down, more... [i]Pysical[/i], methods of persuasion, but by no means do I intend at all to outright kill them.... However, Mourningstar; whom already made an attempt on my life, is a different story... By the way, your speed is rather impressive Asteria, keep up the good work.'[/i][/color] Though Jason wasn't far from the entrance, he had a sinking feeling in his 'gut' that shit was about to hit the proverbial fan. It was clear he might not get there in time to stop the Skeleblins from attacking the intruder. The intruder that was shooting Fireballs into his dungeon. His dungeon, that the Skeleblins protected. What was this idiot thinking--because there were only a handful of creatures Jason knew could create a Fireball, and to him they were all probably idiots. They almost deserved to get attacked by the Skeleblins. After all, he was working so hard on this dungeon, trying to fix it, trying to make it better, and what did he get for his efforts? How dare they do this to him? How dare they BETRAY him? This...this...intruder! Intruder! [color=mediumvioletred]Intruder![/color] NO! Jason roared in his mind. Those WEREN'T his thoughts, those were the 'thoughts'; if they could be called that-, of the dungeon. It was HIS decision as to who counted as an intruder and who didn't. HE was the BOSS of the DUNGEON-- not the other way around. Come to think of it, if Crispy WAS indeed attacking the dungeon, he'd have an entire retinue of goblins backing him up, no doubt endowed with more developed equipment made outside the cave. Therefore, Jason needed reinforcements of his own, and so he called them; [color=darkred]"ALL NEARBY UNITS, MOBILIZE AND HEAD TO THE DUNGEON ENTRANCE!!!"[/color] the Boss slime roared as loudly as he could without slowing down. Hopefully, there would be some assimilated mobs close enough to hear Jason's rallying cry. Even pushing himself past his limit, Jason STILL wasn't fast enough... He wanted- No, he NEEDED more speed. He HAD to go F A S T. Then it hit him; a revelation caused by one of his rocky outcroppings striking the dirt. His variance, had changed him, both in, and out. He wasnt just a slime, he was a living part of the very element he wielded. [i]I am stone. Stone is me.[/i] he thought, [i]I am stone. Stone is me. I am stone. Stone is me. I am stone. Stone is me. I am stone. Stone is me. [b]I. A M. S T O N E. S T O N E. I S. M E.[/b][/i] and so, Jason cast [b][Stone Shot II][/b], using himself; his whole self, as the projectile. Not to soar through the air, but to use that same magical force that propelled his first magical attack to drive himself faster. Though he wasn't able to arrive fast enough to stop the engagement from starting, Jason made it on scene just in time to see Asura lash out at his soldiers. [color=darkred]"ASURA, DON'T ATTACK THEM, THEY WORK FOR ME!"[/color] Jason exclaimed with a mighty [b][Warcry II][/b] aimed to grab the attention of his 'brother' as he continued to close the distance. (this is when he's in warcry's effective range) [hider=Inventory][list] [*]Staff (Goblin torch) [*]Source Crystal (Charged) [*]3x Mana Crystals [*]4x Healing Herbs [/list][/hider]