[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GbLHJfI.png[/img] [h2][color=00a651]Ericka Yumia[/color][/h2] [i]Location: Camp Half Blood, Armory[/i][/center] Ericka looked up breifly as Alannah walked in, then quickly turned her attention back to cleaning the two swords that had been on the counter when she got in. They weren't all that dirty or bruised, so it wouldn't take much, but it still needed to be done. [color=00a651]"Yeah,"[/color] she replied to her Cabin Head's question, [color=00a651]"Old Gregory there that just left. Was cursing at the lock when I walked in, so I showed him the door."[/color] The first sword was done by then, so she put it into its scabbard, added it back to the rack, and then took the rag to the second one along with a bit of oil. [color=00a651]"I wish I knew who put him up it though,"[/color] she added, almost absentmindedly, [color=00a651]"Gregory's not smart enough to think of something like that of his own accord, so someone from the Ares Cabin probably told him to do it. Or maybe not, who knows."[/color] Still, it was something worth thinking about. Someone had wanted the Stygian weapons- who? And for what reason? The game that evening came to mind, of course, but surely nobody in their right mind would take Capture the Flag [i]that[/i] seriously. Given that they'd thought to try and go around the normal rental process, it was probably a safe bet that they wanted it for some purpose they knew wasn't okay with the Camp. Ericka shook her head. Worrying about such things wouldn't get her any closer to solving them. And, now that she was in for the day, it was unlikely anybody would try again. [color=00a651]"Do you happen to know the yard schedule for today off the top of your head, Alannah?"[/color] she asked, [color=00a651]"I thought I remember somebody wanting a bulk rental, but I can't seem to find the book around here..."[/color]