[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181217/bd413ca589b84e921c495b3fbc015e80.png[/img][/Center][hr]Irvine didn´t like Roman. From the beginning of their gathering he had begun to see glimmers of contempt and judgement forming within the mans tired eyes, and he didn´t like it one bit. His art was a misunderstood one, with dozens of critics ready to leap at him like street animals the second another body would go missing. He could already imagine the dozens of eyes within the room turning on him at the mention of an unsettling medic being stuck with them, pointing, laughing, [i]judging[/i]. His paranoid thoughts were bested by delusion as they always were, however. He reasoned that just because they were unable to appreciate the human form like him didn´t mean that they would be unable to develop some sort of relationship working together. [color=89d154]"Does this mean I´m cleared of you and the district´s suspicion?"[/color] he asked, in a manner perhaps more bitter than intended. He put people back together again, not the opposite, for the sake of the gods! Yet every time another would go missing he could feel the tension between him and the rest of the town rise. Others in the room had asked questions as well, but he didn´t see anything to be worried about concerning the mission. They had been going about things the wrong way in his opinion. For starters, it was nearly impossible for him to not sneer at the mention of sending experts to investigate. Irvine thought of professional adventurers as irresponsible and ignorant brutes who depended on healers such as himself to mend all of their mistakes. Guards ranked even lower on his mental scale of respect, as his past experiences in grave robbing had led him to discover that all it takes is a couple of coins to make one turn the other way. Roman must have seen him and whoever the rest of these people were as some sort of last resort, but Irvine was overconfident in his skills and was secure in an easy victory. The comment from the man named Alex irritated him, just as any and all perceived or actual criticisms of his work did. To be accused of sorely lacking in the magical department through a negative lens was folly to him. He held back from snapping at him with a lecture over the power of manual labor and how we must never depend to much on magic. For now. Roman was about to judge Irvine's character, and he wasn´t willing to give him even more material to criticize him with. [color=89d154]"Also..."[/color] he said, ponderously, [color=89d154]"What are this Brax fellow´s whereabouts?"[/color]