[center][h3]Linkle[/h3] [b]Level 2[/b] - (2/20) EXP [b]Location:[/b] 1-1, Masters Mushroom -> 1-1 Central Path -> ??? [b]Word Count: 574 [/b][/center] [hr] Linkle was exited that the Master was going to tag along for a bit, that would let her ask him a few things at length. For example, if his name was the Master of Masters then it followed that he had to know something about the Master Sword and how to find it. It had to be here, after all, and she was destined to get it just like everything was destined to all work out. But if she could get her hands on it sooner, all the better! The thought that she didn't even know how to use a sword never entered her head. She was about to head out after Tora and the others, but she thing back because of the hammock girl. The Master could see the future, so if he said it was all right for her to stay here a while she should be fine but it was still concerning leaving a girl only a little younger than her by herself. Luckily Blazermate was already on it, sidling up to use her healing on the girl. That alleviated a ton of Linkle's fears, but she decided to introduce herself anyway. She jumped over The Masters table, running right over to the hammock to stair down at the girl. "Hey, I'm Linkle. Nice to meet you! That metal lady is Blazermate, she's using her healing magic to patch you up. She's a real miracle worker, I've seen it firsthand. I'd hang around until you were back on your feet, but I've got our friend Bowser buddy here," she opened up her hands to show the girl the little flittering goomba spirit before quickly grabbing it again, "So I've got to hurry and get that back to him. He's the turtle guy, you'll know him when you see him. Anyway, you're in good hands, this place should be safe for a while, and I'll see you later when you're able to walk." She nodded assuredly, the turned and jumped back over the table without giving the girl a chance to speak. She waves at Blazermate and started off, but not before stopping, darting back, and scooping the glass bottle with the spirit in it off The Masters table. It wasn't stealing. The thing inside Was Bowsers friend and she could just give the bottle back since The Master was coming with them. [hr] When she got back to the central path, now with two goomba spirits flitting around in the bottle cradled in her hands, she was happy to see Tora already explaining the basics to Bowser. Right away she ran up to him and shoved the bottle in his face. "These are yours. You have to put them in your heart, then they come back. So all your people are actually okay!" She put the bottle in his hands and looked around. "Ratchet and Dim aren't back yet." She said worriedly. Just some scouting couldn't take that long, could it? She'd expected them to just peek forward and come back before they got done talking to the master. She handed the bottle to Tora before starting down the path. "I'm gonna go see if I can find them while Blazermate gets our new friend up and about. Give that to The Master once Bowser's done with it, could you Tora?" It wouldn't be that hard to find them. She was really fast and they were probably right up the road. [quote][/quote]