[center][color=CFD3C6][img]https://i.imgur.com/QxwohJt.png[/img][/color][/center] [center][@Hammerman][@Gentlemanvaultboy][@Crowvette][@Bartimaeus][/center] [hr] [color=CFD3C6]"No clue,"[/color] Rurik told Christine, staring at the cards. Though, he had to say, on the off chance these things did what they said they did... But why the hell would the enemy just hand these out? [color=CFD3C6]"Probably just to distr-"[/color] "HELP!" he was cut off, however, by Bak's cry for assistance. He supposed he should help her up again. After all, how could he let his team do all the work if they couldn't even stand up? [color=CFD3C6]"On that note, uhh, have fun?"[/color] Rurik shrugged and turned to jog his way back to their team's flag zone. By the time he got there, Bak was already attempting, and failing to pick herself up. [color=CFD3C6]"We really need to stop meeting like th-"[/color] He felt something kinda like a bee sting. Just his luck. Bees? Really? Bak apparently felt it too. Wait, what? In fact, she looked really worried- [color=CFD3C6]"AHAZXHXZLZBHBL!"[/color] Rurik tensed up and fell to the ground as if seizing. It went on for quite some time until he just lay there twitching, achy, and his teeth kinda felt tingly. He rolled painfully onto his back. Yep. That was good. He was just gonna lay there until the match was over then. Hew glanced over at Bak. She looked pissed. [color=CFD3C6][i]"She's not gonna let me lay here is she?"[/i][/color] He groaned and pushed himself up. [color=CFD3C6]"Ow... ow... ow... Hold on, Bak..."[/color] He glanced at the cards again. [color=CFD3C6]"Well, worth a shot. Uhhh... Card! Get rid of them?"[/color] He held up a card named "Vengeful Dreams." It shone brightly and... then nothing. [color=CFD3C6]". . . of course it's a dud."[/color] He almost shoved them into his pocket, but in reality, the wording of the card hadn't really fit anyway. Their opponents weren't really "creatures." Fine, one more try then. He grabbed another, "Diabolic Tutor." [color=CFD3C6]"OK, card... try actually doing something!"[/color] He held it up and... suddenly felt like he was having the worst acid trip imaginable. Thousands of images raced past his eyes as the world seemed the fold open before him. [color=CFD3C6]"AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!"[/color] He let out a rather unmanly shriek of fear. [color=CFD3C6]"J-j-just give me something to make them stop!"[/color] He begged and suddenly, mercifully, it all went away. In his hand in the place of the tutor was a new card -- "Silence." [color=CFD3C6]"Oh..."[/color] Rurik said, breathing heavily. Well... he knew the cards actually did something now. [color=CFD3C6]"Um... Card! Do, uhh, do your thing!"[/color] The card shone and suddenly a pulse of energy surged from it, washing over the arena until it had covered the whole area. And that was it. He glanced down at Bak, looking puzzled, [color=CFD3C6]"So, uhh, I either just made a pretty light show... or I just turned off all their powers."[/color] He walked over and held out his hand to help her up like he had last time on the haunted building's roof, [color=CFD3C6]"Wanna go find out?"[/color]