[@Phantomlink959] The younger agent takes a seat beside the Dijin. All the while the zombies seemed to ignore them and continue in aimless wanderings around the fountain. [color=brown]"Understood. Refrain from violence and detain the suspect peacefully if possible."[/color] The human agent nods and approaches the old man. This does not go unnoticed by the old man, who welcomes Richard with a smile, and the zombies that suddenly stop wandering and glare at the man with their non-functioning eyes and teeth bared. [color=orange]"Good morning, young one! What can I do to you this fine day, today?"[/color] The agent did his best to avoid expressing his fear, nor anxiety as he replied to the old man's statement. [color=brown]"G-good morning to your self as well, Mr..."[/color] Richard paused to see if the older gentleman would give him his name. [color=orange]"Ah, where are my manners. My name is Bradley Aiken and this rather chatty gentleman over here is George, a good and dear friend of mine."[/color] The old gentleman laughs and pats the zombie beside him a little too hard and an eyeball pops out of it's skull. [color=orange]"My word George! Such rudeness to our guest!"[/color] The old man chides his 'friend' while returning the lost eye to where it belongs. [color=orange]"I apologize on his behalf."[/color]He then notices the man beyond Richard. [color=orange]"Excuse me sir? But, did you know its rude to eavesdrop on a conversation? Or mayhaps you be a friend of Mr..."[/color] [color=brown]"Ri-richard Anselm, Mr. Aiken."[/color] The old man looks at Richard as if he had grown a horn and called himself a unicorn. [color=orange]"Mr. Aiken? Pah, that was my father's name! I insist you call me Mr. Bradley."[/color] The old man laughs again and Richard joins him with uneasy laughter as the zombies never once broke their gazes from him as soon as he got within 5 feet of the older man.