Hey so saw this was ongoing and that it was pretty fun looking. I just wanted to ask, before I try submitting a character sheet, would characters from the Archie Sonic/Megaman or IDW Sonic series be permitted? Due to the whole not being of DC and Marvel. Asking since they're the boys I'm most familiar with and all. I was looking at Sonic(Archie or IDW), Shadow(IDW), Shard the Metal Sonic(Archie), Gmerl(Archie), or Mega Man(Archie). Since heroes, but if an extra villain needed, well, I can do Dr. Wily(Archie), Neo Metal Sonic(IDW), or even Eggman(Archie or IDW, since IDW is basically post-Forces, though the new issues with Eggman making his return come out next month). I can work in ways to make them fit, Shadow would probably be one of the easier ones, sans the whole ARK situation. IDW has the sticky issue of being post the whole Eggman conquering the world. Though Mario or Luigi are options, since the old Nintendo Comics are a thing. Hope its fine that I'm asking this and all!