[@Searat] Griffin knelt down and inspect the puddle he agreed that it was Ectoromapitol. But that didn't mean it was from the shifter. [color=39b54a]"Can you determine what kind it is? other things besides shifters leave Ectoromapitol."[/color] He didn't know much about the stuff himself. He usually just gathered it up and brought it to the lab. Maybe he wouldn't have to do that. It would certainly speed things up if Astra could do it. He wondered if her analysis was submittable in court. Shifters rarely challenged the BOSA but it might be a good idea to cover all the bases for the other groups. While he was talking the owner of the shop walked away. Griffin could almost smell his anger. He didn't know why the man was so angry. It wasn't like they were scaring away other customers. Or maybe they were. Just not the legal kind. Maybe the man had something besides a shifter to hide. The question was what and why. There were a lot of things supernaturals hide from each other and humans. He couldn't think of anything this man wouldn't want them to find other than the shifter. [color=39b54a]"Do you have cameras?" [/color]Most stores did. Not that it did them any good. It was too costly to go after thieves. [color=f7976a]"No I do not. Even if I did you have no reasonable cause to look at them." [/color]The owner snapped at him.