[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/C4njhfP.png[/img][/center] [sup][@Atrophy][/sup] [b][code]St. Mercer Hospital[/code][/b] [hr] Penny's words were just a distraction as the man arched his head towards Penny, what caught his attention was the barrage of various medical equipment. Throughout the barrage, a pen had slipped by its defense and hit him square in the hell. The man let out a loud yell as he threw the woman across and grasped his eye. He growled as he released his eye, baring his teeth, and the orange light returned as a network of tendrils appeared that repaired the damage that Penny's done to his eye. Justin had charged into the room literally the moment the brute tossed the woman aside. "Oh shit!" Justin said, having not a clue about what's going on. One look told him that Penny was in the room - which meant that [i]one[/i] person in this damn hospital that he knew. But, his instincts were telling him to help the woman, because clearly, Penny got this. Justin ran over to the woman and knelt down as he checked her pulse... her heart's still beating, so that's good, right. But, would she be able to get up, or would Justin have to drag her off. "Hey, hey!" Justin shouted at the woman as she slowly rose awake, "Are you okay?" "I... I am..." The woman trailed off, as she kept her eyes closed shut for a moment, "... Because I am finally in the glow of my lord." The words had Justin in shock for a moment as the woman grabbed him by the neck and tossed him across the room. "Ah!" Justin said as he rolled across the tile floor - thank God that he didn't hit anything. But instinct made Justin roll onto his stomach as he looked up at the possessed nurse, her eyes glowing with an orange light. She knelt down and grabbed a pair of scissors on the ground. "At last... I finally see the truth," The nurse rambled on as she stared at her weapon. "You demons are the only thing in between humanity and salvation... so [b][i]die![/i][/b]" The woman screamed the last few words as she lunged towards Justin with the scissors. On reflex, he rolled away as the woman ran towards him as he got up on his knee. Flames sparked off his body as he looked at the woman marching towards him - but he knew she was just getting ready to lunge at him. He couldn't help but turn towards Penny... The man with the pipe had charged Penny with the pipe overhead and tried to bring it down on her head, he let out the loudest yell as he did so. [hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8XlJDkh.png[/img][/center] [sup][@Ciaran][/sup] [b][code]St. Mercer Hospital[/code][/b] [hr] The God-Child's words rose Lynette Dominguez awake... she actually slept the easiest given that she didn't have her worst moments flash before her eyes yet again. Though, she can't actually name anything horrible that happened to her - that was all semantics, what mattered that she got up even though she didn't expect to. Lynette woke up gasping, about to scream because all she remembered was running away and hearing the Glutton scream at them... and then she's here. She was certain that she was done for until she heard the God-Child's voice. Though, she realized that she got more than what she bargained for when she came to this hell-town. She shook her head as she walked over to the nearest sink to wash her face off, even though it was a placebo effect it was nonetheless something that Lynette needed to soothe her nerves. When she heard the scream, she got a grim reminder that the Glutton was here. Coming for them. Her first instinct was to get the hell out of there, but Lynette looked out the window and saw something but the worst snowstorm she has ever seen. She glanced down at her hospital gown, before realizing she was poorly, [i]poorly[/i], equipped to go out in all that. However, if she recalled correctly hospitals usually keep their stuff. Usually. The girl quickly tore out of the room, then she decided to take it slow. At least until she figures out what the hell is going on. The last thing she wants to do is turn a corner and turn into the Glutton himself. Of course, a person she ran into was a silver-haired girl that she recognized as apart of the group. She saw her a few times - most notably when they were at John Reid's house - but she also remembered Jordan mentioning her a few times. Still, anyone was better than nothing. "Pa-Paige?" Lynette said, stumbling on the girl's name. "Are you okay? It's me, Lynette... I doubt we had a chance to get acquanted."