[center][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11/113509/2437138-aj.png[/img][/center] Simply put this is a retelling of the Young Justice TV show, only in a different universe where the Avengers and the Justice League are all together as the later. Here the Justice League was founded through a joint agreement with Superman, Captain America, Flash, Iron Man, and eventually Batman. They’ve collectively worked together over the years and now the next generation of heroes are arriving looking for respect. For the tone of the RP, while I certainly would not dream of getting rid of the serious tones of the Young Justice series. I do want to bring in a bit more of the light hearted aspect that the comic book series had. Still action packed, but not too overly serious. For right now people can go ahead and say what characters they would like to play as. Keep in mind though I'll be picking the best ones, so just because you make the first one doesn't mean you'll get the character. As for the characters themselves, any young hero of the Marvel or DC universe will work. You can edit the original character, but don't just change them around completely, or just change them for the sake of changing them. If you want to take a normally older hero, and make them younger. That's alright as well, unless they're needed as is for the main plot. Which isn't going to be very many outside of the major characters. The team thus far: Aqualad (leader) - Drewvonawesome Speed - Drewvonawesome Red Arrow - Archer Arrow Kate Bishop - Archer Arrow X-23 - Necrosis Jubilee (NPC/Non-teammate) - Necrosis Batgirl - Konica Robin - ErsatzEmperor Black Panther - NubianLegend Bucky Barnes - Sixsmith Wiccan - Sixsmith Princess Powerful - zombiechum Spider-Man - Kablamicus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]The profile sheet[/b] [b]NO LONGER ACCEPTING PEOPLE[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]My profiles - Aqualad and Speed[/b] Real name: Garth Jones Alias: Aqualad Age: 17 Appearance/Costume: [img]http://sincronos.net/ttbios/images/Aqualad.jpg[/img] Abilities: A young man of Atlantean blood, Garth is able to breath perfectly well underwater, resist much lower temperatures, take more punishment than a normal human, and has much more strength. However with his time in Atlantis Garth has been able to learn and understand his Atlantean sorcery skills. His very skilled in hydrokinesis, produce hard water conducts of a more simple nature, generate electricity. However his most powerful is an ice generation that is known as ‘power of the tempest’. Its a very exhaustive power, and can be damaging to even Garth. Personality: Mature, caring, calm Brief bio: A baby was once found just off the shore of Cocoa Beach, Florida, sickly and near the brink of death. When a couple found the child, they immediately took the child to the hospital and after deciding and agreeing to it. Adopted the child, naming him Garth. The young boy grew up constantly enamored by the ocean, every time he was found missing from the home, he’d turn up in the ocean playing in it. When Garth grew older, he discovered through classmates surfing, and it quickly became his hobby and source for entertainment in the small town. He was accepted in the community, even with the strange circumstances surrounding his adoption, as well as his very unique eyes. However his parents had him tested and he came up negative on having the X-gene. Plus considering he didn't know why he had them, it made it hard to really hold it against him. The years went by and slowly Garth kept feeling his connections to the waters grow stronger and stronger. Beckoning him almost to return… home. Garth tried to fight the feelings for years, convinced he was crazy. Finally one night Garth surrendered to the feelings, going out to the ocean by himself and never returning. The town gave up after searching for him for months, assuming he drowned. Realizing immediately he could breath underwater, Garth swam feeling himself get pulled in a particular direction. After a few days of swimming non stop Garth found himself in Atlantis, his real home. The kingdom however was in terrible shape however, ruled by a tyrannical leader named Black Manta, Garth ended up by chance meeting Aquaman. A man like himself who grew up on the surface world and is now trying to reclaiming his rightful spot as the king of Atlantis. Garth joined him in his fight and eventually they were both able to fight Black Manta off with the help of a mysterious third figure named Kal’dur. Whom neither trusted but proved his loyalty before vanishing again. To show his appreciation to Garth for his bravery and help. Aquaman bestowed Garth not only his own alias in Aqualad, but a rightful in his mind spot in the kingdom as Prince of Atlantis. The two continued to work together protecting Atlantis from threats while Garth studied in his spare time Atlantean sorcery. As well as sometimes spending time on the surface world with his adopted parents as a means to forgive them for running away those years ago… and go surfing. .............................................................. Real name: Tommy Shepherd Alias: Speed Age: 16 Appearance: [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/140/5/9/59f7df1f0c545493d7221395082e463f-d50i1rj.png[/img] Costume: [img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/scale_small/11/117763/2938980-tumblr_midv2rvgan1r57ao0o1_500.png[/img] Abilities: Simply one of the fastest people on the planet, only equal to The Flash, Quicksilver, and Kid Flash. Able to run at top speeds of the speed of sound (761 mph), Tommy’s body resists the effect of friction, reduced oxygen, and kinetic impact when running at those speeds. He can also generate hyperkinetic vibrations that accelerate the molecules in matter, causing any solid object he directs his vibrations at to explode. He is also able to accelerate his molecules (or even those of small groups of people) and vibrate fast enough to pass through solid matter, such as walls. Brief bio: Born on Feb 2nd, 1998 at 10:23 pm in a Manhattan hospital. Tommy Shepherd became the only child of a wealthy estate. However right from the start difficulties arose with Tommy and his parents, as they were incredibly busy and never seemingly gave time to Tommy, only when it suited their needs like parading him around in public or at a gathering. He grew detached from the incredibly quickly and really ended up a bit of a reckless young man. Someone who although never felt like he had a purpose, always had almost too much confident in himself and overestimate of his own ability. By the time Tommy turned 13 he seemingly felt like the world around him was slowing to a crawl. It was just a feeling he had at first, however as the years passed the feeling grew inside of him and eventually even started to happen. He finally realized that it wasn’t the world slowing down, it was him becoming faster than it. Realizing his newfound power Tommy initially just dismissed it as something that wasn’t particularly useful. It wasn’t until he ended up inadvertently using it to save someone he realized a real genuine purpose behind it all. Finally with some feeling of purpose in his life Tommy continued to use his powers in secret as a help to anyone or anything he came across. Never one considering the danger or his personal safety. Even when he would be warned he’d refuse to listen, a trait he routinely has used with people. Still, Tommy’s mind is set, and God help anyone who tries to sway him otherwise.