Endre waits astride his bike as Mercy adds her last minute thoughts, carefully checking over the last of his straps and bikes gauges before he sets of properly. The last thing they need is for his bike to go down halfway back, forcing them to try and lug 80kg of water on top of their usual gear. Not impossible, but it would sure as shit make a bad day a lot worse. [color=ed1c24]"No matter what we do, we will be drawing attention too ourselves after a fight like that. At least with a bike we can move fast and relativly easily over rough terrain. Unless they have similarly capable vehicles we should be able to outrun anyone that is looking to make trouble for us, with a little luck anyway."[/color] He nods his head at her before once again running a hand down his right horn, perhaps a calming gesture after everything that has happened. [color=ed1c24]"Besides like you said, if we end up having to shoot? Well noise isn't really going to matter then."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"At the very least it should let me continue to keep scouting for good scavenging opportunities and water sources if we can find enough fuel to keep me going. Hell with the right parts if we can reach 'civilization' at least we should be able to trade for enough to keep us going."[/color] He reaches back behind himself and helps Mercy sit herself properly behind him, unsure if she has ever been on a bike before. [color=ed1c24]"Put your arms around my waist and hold on tight. If you feel me leaning try and go with me. Don't panic if we hit large bumps, or things will just get worse." [/color] Finally he kicks his foot down, putting the bike into first gear before taking off with a roar that quickly dulls before kicking up again as he works his way up through the gears. Time to see if these bastards left a rear guard, or if they even had any spare water to begin with at all.