[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181022/cac4c696ebc21b35bf11eea7f2c76da5.png[/img] [sub][color=AD2841][i]Train to Amone - Lone Wolf Leader[/i][/color][/sub] [hr] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UHVNCTXf8U&t=1796s[/youtube][/center] An endless grey stretched out infinitely in all directions. A perpetual void of color. A world of nothingness save for single, cowering child. Confused. Scared. Where was the color? The warmth of red? The chill of blue? He could could see nothing but the forsaken grey. No matter how hard the child tried, he could not create a single color on the grey canvas around him. He dreamed and hope for a day when the color would find him. Eventually, he grew accustomed to the grey and his confusion and fear vanished along with his dreams and hope. The child wandered the endless grey aimlessly. He began to doubt that any of the fabled colors truly existed. That was until one day in the distance he saw it. Every color he ever imagined and more shining like a beacon. At first, he hesitated. The grey had become comfortable. Familiar. Why should he discard it now? However, he could not tear his gaze from this beacon of colors. He ran for it. The closer he got, the more engrossed he became in the colors. Every step brought him nearer and with it a renewable of the lost hope in him. He couldn't let it slip away, not when he had been waiting for so long. When he finally got close enough, he reached out and took the color into his hands shaped like a orb. Every color he could imagine was contained within. Without warning, the orb and all its precious color began to melt. The liquid seeping through the gaps in his fingers onto the grey floor underneath him. Frantically, he dropped to his knees and began to desperately scoop the liquid color off the ground. Every time he got some in his hands, it would again slip through his fingers. Each time there was less and less. All the color faded into the endless grey. The child pounded his fists against the ground. Dug his fingers into the grey until they were raw. Realizing he could not get the color back, he laid against the grey floor curled up over where the color had disappeared. Broken. Confusion and Fear once more made its way into his heart, but this time accompanied by sorrow and anger. A pain he had never felt before crippled him so there he stayed. Laying motionless on an endless sea of grey nothing with eyes' half open, becoming indecipherable from it. [hr] Daniel was a lance corporal. No matter how many times it passed through his mind he still failed to fully comprehend. He never wanted such a position. He was half-tempted to throw the position back at Middleton's prick face if he didn't believe it would get him shot. How in the hell was he supposed to make sure he survived this mess when he had to look after others now? The position would force him to think from a entirely new perspective. His well-being was always placed several times higher than those around him. It had kept him alive so far. Now he had basically no choice but to look after a bunch of sentimental fools who froze up or cried every time something horrible happened, with a few rare exceptions. Daniel was a lone wolf. People skills were not his strong point and he didn't have any intention on improving them. People will always hurt you. One way or another. Now they would be looking towards him for leadership as well. He felt a brief coldness on his right shoulder as he entered the train. This weather was nearly as awful as the rest of the day. He stood in front of one of the windows in the carriage just after the one in which Diana, Kalisa, and Jean had been talking. His eyes gazed at the scenery around the train station, still struggling with the reality of his promotion. What others might have considered a gift, he considered to be nothing more than a curse. Daniel would absolutely kill for just a single cigarette or a shot of gin. It didn't matter which, just something to take his mind off everything. He wanted to say that he would be just fine on his own. That he could take on anything this war threw at him, but that wasn't true. Looking out at the countless men and women in federation uniforms, he knew that this war was more than any one man could handle. It wasn't a back-ally fight or a bar brawl. This was a systematic killing of other human beings using terrible weapons. The train had began to pull away from the station leaving one battle behind and heading straight for another. Daniel had enough time to think about where to start regarding his promotion. Daniel still held his own preservation above all others, but that didn't mean he didn't care about the lives of others. Their lives were now partially in his hands and he was determined to get as many through this war. He would be the biggest bastard in the world as long as it got them through this. Kindness doesn't win a fight. Innocence doesn't get you through tough times. Naivety will only get you killed. Humanity doesn't matter if you are dead. These were lessons he planned on instilling in each of his troops now under his command. He heard the door to his cabin open and none other than the newly appointed Jean came through it. Daniel could only imagine the kind of reaction Jean had to his promotion. As of right now, he was sure they didn't care very much for each other. Daniel had seen what happens when two people in charge start up a feud. People get hurt or they die. He didn't want to see that happen. Daniel wasn't sure they could ever become friends, but at the very least they could have an understanding. That was his reasoning as he approached and stopped Jean as the corporal moved down the carriage [color=AD2841][b]"We need to have a talk, just you and me. Find me later when you have time alone."[/b][/color] His tone was serious, but non-threatening. Daniel waited for Jean's response, before walking in the direction Jean came from. It was a hunch, but where Jean was that air-head of a girl must be as well. Daniel came to the cabin where both Kalisa and Diana where, his heart was pounding strongly in his chest the entire time he walked. Every muscle in his body urged him to walk the other direction or pass them entirely. He forced himself to think of Elizabeth and the words she gave him on the battlefield. They gave him just enough strength to convince him to follow through with his foolish choice. Before he was able to enter their cabin, Jean came this way yet again and threw his scarf into the cabin with a wide grin on his face. Daniel watched him walk further away before making his move. While Jean did whatever he was doing, there was one other person to make amends with. He had no intentions of apologizing, but he could at least clear the air. Honestly, this entire idea was making him a tad sick. Nevertheless, he had to persevere. It took every ounce of his control to stop from running away as he appeared in the doorframe, his eyes not meeting any of theirs instead hanging just above their heads [color=AD2841][b]"Can I...take a seat?"[/b][/color] The last few words he strained to say. Half of him hoped that Diana would resent him and refuse his request and he could just continue on his way. This took more of his courage than charging up the hill. It felt as though a revolver was pressed against his chest with the trigger nearly depressed. As long as they didn't do any of that...girly crap to him he might just make it. [@Landaus Five-One][@LetMeDoStuff][@SMS]