[@KatherinWinter] The golem agent nodded at the vampire and turned her attention back to the evidence, and possibly their only lead to their rogue shape shifter. Picking up the nail she found earlier, she places it in her mouth and begins analyzing what creature was the nail originally from. [quote=system] Analyzing Substance...[b][color=green]Complete.[/color][/b] Substance Identified as: [b]Fingernail (Human, Male)[/b] Sample Age: [b]1 hour/s 03 minute/s[/b] Proposal: Locate Species under genus [i][b]Forma Mutatnte[/b][/i] capable of mimicking and shape shifting into humanoid shape. Processing...[b][color=green]Complete.[/color][/b] Species Capable of Mimicry and Shifting into Humanoid Shape: [u][b]47[/b][/u] [b][color=yellow]System is Unable to Specify Exact Species[/color][/b] Proposal: Locate and gather more evidence. [/quote] [color=slategray]"Griffin, there are 47 species capable of mimicking humans as well as capable turning into a human or humanoid form. The system cannot specify any one species until further evidence is gathered."[/color] She then turns to face the store owner. [color=slategray]"False. If you had any form of security system or a means to record data, may it be visual and/or auditory; a federal investigation such as this requires the most thorough collection of data and evidence. Thus refusal to provide said data, is a criminal offence."[/color] She states as a matter of fact, her monotone voice and stoic visage emanating a professional aura. [color=slategray]"Also, if this establishment has a second floor or a back room, we would like to search those areas as well."[/color] [hr] [@Phantomlink959] Richard nods, but keeps quiet as the senior agent conversed with the elderly man. [color=orange]"Well met, fellow veterans. I commend your valor and your sacrifice."[/color] The old man replies with a broad smile and a rather genuine salute of respect to the two. He lowers his arm and replies to the dijin's question. [color=orange]"Quite correct, Argus. There is nothing better in the world than a walk in the calm lazy morning."[/color] The old man lets out a content sigh before speaking again. [color=orange]"I was actually on my way to see my great-great-great-great grandchildren."[/color] He turns to 'George' and shakes him playfully by the shoulder. [color=orange]"...but George over here is quite the chatterbox and been eating up my time. Shame on you George."[/color] The zombie does not reply and keeps staring at Richard. [color=orange]"Well, of course I forgive you. What are friends for!"[/color]