[centre][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181008/b02a8e514a847d83c3d8892fffdb6f35.png[/img][/centre][hr] The surrounding seats near him began to be crowded by people in his squad. Isaac was the one he invited, followed by Franz, who seemed to be a lot brighter than the time Michael met him the day before. It was lifting to see to be honest. He even joked about him being so lady-magnet. It was valid actually. Jean, despite being a mess of a person due to the horrifying baptism of fire, was seen with at least a few ladies with him. How he did that was a mystery, but that was just impressive. [color=bf00ff]"Go ahead gentlemen."[/color] The contagiousness of the conversations were irresistible. He could spend his time by himself, but considering his emotional state right now, having a company or two would be really helpful, considering two of them were already someone he already knew and made impressions on. Three exactly, if saying things otherwise. [color=bf00ff]"Romantic? What do you suggest otherwise then [I]sir[/I]?"[/color] Carrying an unconscious person is best done in cradle style. To the great contrary of expectation, this five feet tall man was surprisingly fit and strong, at least to carry a girl like Lucia. She was a little light to be honest, but could not expect anything more or less from her softness of her body. But he couldn't deny that though. That was also what some newlyweds would show off sometimes. Or the story of medieval knights saving the damsel in distress. Well, he looked nothing like that knight in the human imagination of course. He was midget and he had no shining clad armor. And he acted nothing like a knight by the way. But then again, it wasn't too unexpected with the news of Lucia. Bad shape? That seemed like an understatement. But assuming she was already out, probably Middleton was with her as well. He knew little of the Captain, but from the view of the observers, from brutally killing Imperials, forcing Federation soldiers forward and, without a trace of mercy, ordering an innocent teenage girl to shoot retreating soldiers, his appreciation for humanity obviously wasn't high. His recommendation for being a caring soldier to his fellow comrades would probably fall into deaf ears, and even if he went for Lucia, he'd probably be shooed away by that bastard, or even worse be the target for him to smite. [color=bf00ff]"I'm not so sure about that one statement though Isaac."[/color] He replied as he turned over to the Lance-Corporal. [color=bf00ff]"There will be people who agreed. For the record, me and Jean do...but there are reasons why people would want to choose otherwise..."[/color] People would argue that was for survival. That nothing in war was good or righteous, and that the only victory means surviving. That could be a valid point, but what was the point of surviving when you lost what made you human? If they ended up so, the only thing they could equate to would be beasts and animals in human's costume. He'd rather die than such a fate. Then at least he would be reunited with those he loved in the end. [color=bf00ff]"I don't think most will, but we'll gather as many as we can. I'll try to look after her whenever possible."[/color] And whenever appropriate. [@LetMeDoStuff][@FalloutJack][@CFProxy]