As they walked, Rendyl had been thinking about the past hour or so, ever since she woke up. What did she really know about what was going on? She counted on her fingers as she listed things off in her head: This did not feel like the dream. She was being respected enough as a thinking being. She was not in immediate danger. She was hungry, which meant she had been in stasis longer than a few days...and aliens came in stranger packages than she had ever imagined. At this last one she glanced over at the kind doctor, and for the first time since seeing the crystalline woman, decided not to make assumptions. What did Rendyl look like to HER? A scrawny female human who was just as much a mystery. The realization made Rendyl blush slightly but smile and quickly give a small nod at Luirae. At least she was being escorted by someone who looked quite astonishing and was nice, rather than disgusting or gruff. Count your blessings, her father would tell her.