It took all of her willpower to get back onto her feet and stumble around to try and catch her retreating foe. She just needed one more good blow and he'd be done for! She could do that much, right? She had made it almost all the way up to him, but the closer and closer she got made her more and more dizzy from the strain. She was pushing herself too far for one of her condition, but she couldn't stop herself. He was right there! She somehow managed to get within striking distance of him and reeled back a fist as if to punch him, but instead her left knee gave out and she tumbled forward, more then likely on top of him but her senses were fading. All she felt was something hard smack against her body as she collapsed. Her vision, hearing, smell, everything; they were all dulled so much that she was barely conscious of it at all. Even her pain. She felt nothing but weightlessness. She remained motionless for a couple of seconds, eyes staring blanking at nothing before they slowly went shut, consciousness leaving her prone form.