While he conversed with Raven, Eliezer thought back to Allister's unusual request. Why would he ask for the time? As the palace butler, he would always be the one person concerned with keeping the time to ensure that everyone else was on schedule. It was very unlike him to come out here without his own watch on him. That was when he realized how that inquiry had led to the exchange about Raven's pocket watch and eventually about a little of her past. There was definitely something that Allister knew that he was not telling the prince, or perhaps, he had been trying to show him by making Raven take the watch out. No, he already knew that Eliezer was aware of the significance of the watch. That was why he had taken so much interest in the fact that Eliezer was reading up on Lunar, and then proceeded to mention Raven at the library the day before. However, if his actions were not for the safety of the prince, then what was he trying to achieve? Regardless, apart from Eliezer and Mathazar, Allister also had knowledge of Raven's bloodline, and things were only going to get worse if this information was to reach his parents. Sure, Allister did keep the princes' secrets from the king and queen, but the crown prince considering marrying a noble of an enemy state was no ordinary secret. Eliezer had to have a talk with Allister regarding this whole situation. He then took in what Raven said, finding the way she had expressed that particular thought to be rather strange. "After being with me? Well, it's quite a wonder that you even accepted the invitation to the palace ball where we had met for the first time, or protected my brother when you saw him in danger." Eliezer did not want to sound accusing, but he had to admit that it did not quite add up. Her feelings for him did seem genuine, but what did he actually know when it came to romance or even just personal interaction? Unfortunately, she had been the one who had taught him everything he knew about the subject, and logically, seeing how this feeling of 'love' puts one in such a vulnerable state, he felt the need to ensure that she was hiding absolutely nothing before he placed his feelings for her above any other negative thoughts his mind might come up with. "Making you happy? I'm not too sure how I'm actually doing such a thing, but I'm glad to have induced such positive feelings in you. That is the duty of a significant other, is it not?" He then paused, gesturing to the refreshments that the butler had brought them. "Please, help yourself."