[@Ruler Inc] Phew, was worried I didn't do a good job, low confidence has to be one of my weaknesses as a writer. I'll make a character probably after I finish Pitfalls Rockwoman, since I'm focused on her atm. And if anyone wants to make someone from Dark Rockverse, either on the "good" side, or the "bad" guys side, well, just give me a holler, I can help if anyone has RF related questions(I spent way too much time researching the series for rping elsewhere, but hey, it'll come in handy when I work up the nerve to start up an rp thread I've been thinking about). Hope everyone else likes the Dark RV! I assure you, the Imperium doesn't bite! ...Okay so maybe some of them do, but not all! I'll probably expand on the Rock Imperium as needed, but for the moment, all folks need to know generally is the five expandist factions, the management, defensive, and general purpose factions can be saved for another time.