[color=yellow][u][b]Identification [/b][/u][/color] [insert theme song here] Name: Dominic Ekhart Age: 24 Gender: Male D.O.B: March 2, 1991 Appearance: [img]https://66.media.tumblr.com/96407e69ce8316c1ca672686fe04aa18/tumblr_nbik1tdRrq1qg4knho1_1280.jpg[/img] Personality: Dominic is considered aloof, cold, and tyrannically analytical to most, if not all, of his coworkers. As an actuary with a major medical research company, he is fantastically uninterested in things like the potential life saving value of a project or how long a person has dedicated themselves to its research. His only concern is the potential liability and financial risks of a project and if it will make a return in the next five to ten years, and projects (and presumably people) have lived and died under the brunt of his assessments. However, it would be wrong to assume he does this purely out of a sense of malice or greed. Quite the opposite in fact. He loathes to shut down projects with great potential, but without a reasonable justification to keep them alive the company will just be burning their investors money on every pipe dream that sounds nice. No investment capital means no more research, which means more people die anyway. Someone has to be the bad guy and unfortunately he fits the role perfectly. Despite not being particularly thrilled with the position of resident stick int he mud, he takes his job seriously. Often working himself to the point of exhaustion combing through discovery reports and risk assessments to find some way of keeping whatever new project that has entered his sights afloat for just a little longer. He'd probably have more friends (and maybe fear him a little less) at work if people knew this. Honestly, keeping busy has become both a state of being and a defensive mechanism, as he has essentially isolated himself to the point of not knowing really HOW to socialize anymore without mentally preparing to destroy every iota of a persons hope. tl;dr: Intelligent and result oriented, with a preference to understand all the risks before moving forward. Emotionally distant from most people due to being responsible for shattering their dreams on the daily (Well...quarterly really). Highly developed sense of long term gain and works towards the best possible outcome for everyone, and will happily alienate himself in doing so. Biography: Dominic's father was a high profile civil attorney who had immigrated from Germany in his youth. Moving to was as much a business decision as it was anything else. Being based in a small rural town tended to put clients at ease and the cities er...'rustic' charms lent an air of trustworthiness to his dad. As a result, Dominic saw little of his father for most of his childhood, he and his stay at home mother seeing the man maybe once or twice a month. And frankly, he hated it. He hated his fathers practice for stealing time he and his dad could have spent together and he hated feeling like he had to just accept it. Being something of a late comer to the Fairytale gang, he filled the role of badguy, mostly to work out these frustrations in play as children often do. As he got older though and the games stopped he slowly began to learn WHY his dad worked as hard as he did. For a large part of his dads life, his family had been flat broke. The man had worked himself to the bone to get through law school and now worked himself to the bone to make sure his child and wife would never have to. Sacrificing that time he and Dominic could have shared hurt him just as much as it had Dominic, but doing things that hurt you to make things better is just how things are sometime. Dominic took the lesson to heart and vowed not to waste his dads efforts, becoming laser focused on taking advantage of every opportunity that sacrifice had offered. He focused heavily on his studies early into junior high, spending less and less time with the small circle of friends he had gathered in the small town. By Highschool, he was more a name attached to a face than anything else. When he graduated Summa Cum Laude of their year he was met with a resounding 'oh..yeah. makes sense.' from most of the other kids, which struck him as a little funny at the time. College was a similar story, albiet with far fewer people to grow distant from. He blitzed through the program, attending through the summers to shave off a year and a half from his Bachelor's in Economics and joining the Society of Actuaries at 21. In the last three years he has worked...and little else. [color=yellow][u][b]Hero Card[/b][/u][/color] [insert hero theme hero] Name of you Hero: Peirowaagh (peer-oh-waag) Race: Greater Tree Demon Class: Warrior Alignment: Neutral Evil Appearance: [hider= General apperance][img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/9c/93/a1/9c93a104547361c9db96ee7ca7368d45--castlevania-lords-of-shadow-demon-artwork.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider= Closer Look at His Face] [img]https://encyclopediasatanica.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/goatskullblackrobes.jpg[/img] While age has certainly made Peirowagh's appearance...a little more mundane, he is still a strange sight to behold. His horns still curve behind the skull that makes up his head, though his formally immense stature is now relegated to being very tall. Still, he can hardly complain about being 6'5''. His skin is the harder aspect to get used to. The bark like texture surrounding his body moves and shifts oddly, having no real feeling to it save in the extremities. Like his body is covered in a thick rubber suit with foam plates glued to its exterior. [/hider] Hero Personality: Peirowaagh thirsts for power and control over whatever he deems 'his' dominion, which largely consisted of anywhere with a tree. He is ancient and old, and values his ways of doing things before anything else leading to an impressive stubborn streak. He will ruthlessly allow whatever underlings he has die under his care if it means he is one step closer to gaining the object of his desire. Weapon: Flameberge greatsword. Abilities/Spells: [b]Tree Stride[/b]: After a minute of concentration, Peirowaagh is able to transport himself and any number of creatures he can see through two trees as if they were a portal. These trees can be any distance apart though he MUST know a destination tree's approximate location for it to work. [b]Shape Earth and Stone[/b]: Casting his magic into the ground, Peirowaagh can move large amounts of dirt and rock at will. He likes to apply this power in combat by crushing enemies between slabs of rock or burying them alive. The latter of which is more for insult than effectiveness however. Very useful for making fortified positions or making paths. [b]Grove Lord Peirowaagh[/b]: Being a tree demon, Peirowaagh holds some dominion over plant life. He is able to cause it to grow rapidly at will or command it to ensare or hassle his enemies. He can use this ability to heal himself or other flora of wounds with some speed, though it has no such affect on non-plant based creatures. Just as well, its a little slower than most healing magic made for meat sacks. Non Combat Skills: Peirowaagh has an innate knowledge of naturally occurring wellsprings of magic (ancient groves, mystic rivers and the like) and how they can be used. He is also well versed in herbology and botany. Combat Skills: With his bark like hide and natural desire filled ferocity, Peirowaagh is a true beserker in battle. Barreling through opponents with his greatsword and sheer weight. There is skill to his technique, but it is vastly overshadowed by the intensity of the tree demon's might. Those that meet him in combat have the option of fleeing, being torn asunder, or (on the rare occasion you may prove useful to him) allowed to live as his servants. Hero Lore: Long before the age of man, elf, and others there was the age of Alapachia, a time of lush and immense flora and primitive beasts of grand scale. The was filled to bursting with life and all things were in balance. At least...thats how a young Peirowaagh saw things. Magic, in any sort of refined form, had yet to enter the world. All that was magic was the primal elemental life energies that clung to the world's inhabitants or hidden away places. Peirowaagh was one such inhabitant, a young sappling nestled comfortably in a (then) small grove. He was the only tree amongst them that held the spark of magic and he was held in some reverence because of this. However, they were still only trees. While they held ancient wisdom and a consciousness inaccessible to beasts (or so they thought), mobility is sadly not a tool at their disposal. So there the Lord sat, he and his grove flourishing in the rich sunlight of the world. Their roots stretched deep and they felt the rich soils power, it sustained them. Taught them. And when the time came, it consumed them in return. A mind numbingly simple existence to those of flesh, perhaps. But Peirowaagh found it enjoyable and, perhaps more importantly, peaceful. Then the walking beasts came. Primitive and grunting at one another inarticulately. They clawed at his kind with tooth and fang with predatory glee. They stripped the skin from his kind with stones and later, gleaming brown metal. A few revered their kind, but less than there should have been. At first, he and his court of trees ignored the creatures. They were just animals after all, albeit annoying as they broke branches away from them. They were only a real threat to the smallest of saplings, and even then only just barely. However, as the centuries turned, the beasts became more clever. The brown metal gave way to silver, which dug deeper into his kind as well as theirs. And a few were begining to take awkward steps towards understanding magic. Hundreds of his brothers and sisters were felled by the beasts now calling themselves 'man', by axe to be mutilated into their tools or by fire for their enslaved plants. After a mellinia, Peirowaagh made his presence known to a beast of long ear named Kiliki-nin in a thunderous bellow that shook the grove. ((gonna call it there for the night. will come back to this later)) Battle Theme: [the theme that plays as you vanquish your enemies] ((tis a work in progress, but here is what I have so far.))