[quote=@Muttonhawk] Is there a reason why a more earthly sphere cannot take the above caveat and just pick whether it's more celestial or cthonic? [/quote] To me, this created an unclear middle and in the end its all the same thing. Allowing the non-euclidian 'fairyland' will lead to the exact same thing as land realms, and even if the fairyland is banned, three might later and it will be the exact same but it is now an orb up the sky or something. And that is kinda the gist of this thing, in the end, its all wording and aesthetics I guess. This discussion feels silly without more examples of spheres from other players, and I guess it was only ever an issue to me because I always liked me some land gods, lol, and in turn, to leave the celestial realm to gods that feel celestial instead of river and tree gods.