Even as Hayim watched on through teary yellow eyes it seemed all for naught. He could not lose himself to the way of the forest quite like it seemed the dragons were about to. Wings, teeth, scale and claw were naught before the power that assailed them. The skin which webbed between the bones of their wings turned firm and ripe with vibrant green chlorophyll. Their teeth were turned into cold hard wood. Their scales became tough and rigid bark. Even their claws were changed into long, sharply edged roots. Though they moved still it was not muscle and sinew which pulled their limbs but vines and fibers instead. Their blood was now sap, their eyes now light-sensitive fruit tucked beneath their hard wooden brow. They no longer had anymore right to call themselves dragons than the tall ents of this forest had to call themselves human. This process did not discriminate between the dragons of Sveiand and those of Ragnageddon either. It mattered not which god's essence ran in their veins for the aura would claim them all as plants. Neither Drakairos nor Azhriel were safe either, even if it did take longer for the changes to take place. The physical form was always the first to change as their soft meat would begin to morph into wood and fiber. They could feel their eyes begin to harden into soft fruits and Azhriel's hair would be starting to thicken and turn green. All the while their attacks were futile as the tree healed over any harm it sustained in mere moments, carrying the scars of these wounds into the rings which formed it's many, many layers. _ All the while the fruit that was born of Thesan's attack trembled under the immense pressure it's heat was generating. The red fruit trembled even as it transformed fully, the temperature having remained despite it all. In one tremendous burst the fruit burst open from the force of it's juices exploding outward simply due to how hot it was. From it came a massive shower of bright red juice and seeds which ruptured forth like artillery shells. Though random in their scattering a number of dragons were plastered with scraps of it's flesh and juices, it's seeds catching a couple dragons in their trajectory and ripping through them like stones through water. Those who were covered with the juices of the fruit howled in extreme pain. Even despite their new state of body the juices were so spicy they could feel it's burn sizzle right down to their core. That's not even factoring in that the temperature of these juices were hot enough to melt led. As the seeds impacted the ground below they burrowed deep before sprouting almost immediately after. From the large, round, hostile looking peppers grew and proliferated across the forest floor. Calling it a forest at this point was almost a misnomer as the landscape was now something of a bizarre jungle consisting of almost all plants you might find in Tabrasa and even some that didn't even exist before like the peppers, the stones or the dragons. High above the two lights danced faster and faster, spiraling around one another in a helix which seemed to begin tightening around itself. The beam was growing thinner, more intense that before now. While the aura's radius was beginning to shrink the potency of it's changes were intensifying, those caught within changing faster and faster the closer they were. Hidden deep within the trunk of the tree the deep black color that infused the spiral spire was receding, falling back towards the core of the world. . . The time of it's creation was nigh. [hr] Relevant to: [@Duoya][@Lmpkio][@Kalas].