"The sad truth..." Miller said continuing to drive. He looked over at McKenna again, "I think we should try to figure out how to detect if those things are inside someone." He said looking back at the road once more and evading a vehicle. "Our scientists made our serums they put into us before civilization collapsed. Maybe we could ask one of the doctors or scientists what kind of equipment they might need." He paused again using what spare time he had to look around in the environment. "Maybe like an X-Ray machine or something." He shrugged. After a second Lena's drone whizzed by the car. "Dammit." Miller said reaching for his radio. "Venom don't use the drone right now. We know that those hunter, predator things will know if it's just more than us. Over." "Ugh. I just wanna use it!" There was a silence over the radio for a second. "Fine." The drone turned and whizzed past the truck again returning to the other group. Miller looked over at McKenna, "They might not know it's actually backup. We could try to use it?" He asked as if he was wanting to know what her thoughts were.